To you, Miss M......
I still remember your week long induction like it was yesterday. I went in on a Monday morning and spent the day hooked up to an IV w/some cocktail of labor inducing meds running thru it. Nothing! Tuesday, more medicines, but still no Miss M. Wednesday.....had the day off from induction related thought it would be good to see if a day at home might progress things along. I rested on the couch that day thinking about what you would look like, if you were a boy, or a girl, how much you would weigh, how painful was labor anyway, would you ever come out, would the name we chose suit you, did your mommy have the gestation of an elephant since you were already 15 days overdue, etc., etc. On Thursday morning we were back at it again, and finally, on Saturday morning at 6:45 a.m. you made her grand entrance into the world. I remember very vividly one nurse telling me I was not in active labor just minutes before my water broke, and I think I shot her the "evilest" eye known to mankind. About a half hour later, as I held you in my arms I couldn't help but shoot a snide smirk her way and say, "see, I told you so". I know.....very mature of me, but I was sleep deprived, 23 years old, and still in pain!
On Sunday morning we took you home, and it felt strange to go from just your daddy and I to a family of three. You had all kinds of guests come and see you. You were the very first grandbaby on the Vk side of the family, and I was told by g'ma O' that g'pa D' was very excited to have a granddaughter. Finally.....another girl in the Vk family. :) Both of your g'pa's and g'ma's visited along w/your aunties and uncles. Auntie Amanda had to come up on the following day after we returned home from the hospital b/c I had no idea how to sponge bathe a baby, nor put clothes on you without breaking you. Thankfully, she reassured me that you would not "break" and to quit being so silly about it. Your daddy was pretty comfortable w/you because he had lots of practice w/siblings, but I had no idea what to do with you. Happily, we both figured out the mommy/daughter thing pretty quickly. You were an excellent sleeper almost immediately, and if you did wake up at night it was strictly "business". You were only interested in getting a quick snack and then back to sleep you went.
So, to my Miss M', a very happy birthday to you! You are an amazing young lady, and your daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our family. You have an incredibly gentle, kind heart, and your compassion to others is ever present. You are an wonderful helper, and a fantastic shopper. :) I love spending time with you doing "girl stuff," and you make me smile with your sassy sense of humor and quick whit. I love that you share your moms love for all things vintage and would rather go antique or junk store shopping than hit the mall (although you are also a fan of it, too!). You have a special way with animals, and you have always had a soft spot for them. Thank you, Miss M' for waking up daily with a smile on your face and a true eagerness to see what God has in store for you. Love you, mom...