Thursday, July 23, 2009

So excited for my dear friends.....

I just needed to use my blog as an "outlet" to share some news that I can't seem to contain. I love babies! Hearing about pregnancies, deliveries, "paper pregnancies", forever families, adoption stories, etc. fills my heart with joy!

My dear friend, her husband, and their beautiful son welcomed a baby to their family today via c-section. I won't give any details as they are hers to share, but both mother and baby are doing well. We thank the Lord for a safe delivery and a beautiful new blessing to their family!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We do what we have to do.....

Miss A' is quite a picky little eater, and we have spent many hours worrying about her eating habits. She doesn't seem to want to eat anything, except for Ensure, and my own high calorie concoction (don't ask because you may get a gut ache thinking about it!) Because of her small stature, her pediatrician has made it a point to let us know that it is NOT ok for her to loose any weight. Well, duh, and thank you very much for the increased pressure, Doctor K'!
The only problem is that she doesn't enjoy eating, and getting her to eat is an ORDEAL! It sometimes takes her as much as two hours to eat a few small bites of food (1/3-1/2 of a banana), or to drink a cup of Ensure. You may be thinking that she may have a swallowing disorder, but it was quite apparent in China that the girl can eat and eat A LOT at a time. Now that we are home she must realize that the meals will continue to come and why eat when she can play. The only problem with her way of thinking is that her mommy and daddy are loosing sleep over it!
Anyhoo, we have basically made meal time into a festival of craziness at the Vk ranch. After the kids have finished their meals, they will parade around the table acting like clowns to distract Miss A' from the task at hand. J-man is quite proficient in his antics, and he is usually the only one who has any success getting her to eat. The other day, I decided it was time to try some good ole' American junk food and headed out to McD's for a happy meal. Yes, I was that desperate! Much to my surprise, she ate about 1/3 of the hamburger and fries. That evening, while enjoying her cousin O's second birthday bash, she munched on a piece of pizza and some watermelon (the diet of champions, as you well know!)
I thought we were finally making some "eating progress," but she has reverted back to her Ensure and Gut Bomb drink ala Mommy. Alas, there is always tomorrow.......
D' feeding fries to his "China meimei"
A' having all kinds of fun with her McDonalds cup:)

Yes, her bib says she's the little brother. It's just a bib people! :o)

Oh, and THANK YOU cousin Jupe for the adorable hair bows!

My little Dragon Slayers....

While we were in China, we bought J' and D' matching Chinese Dragon outfits. They were good sports about dressing up for a photo oppy with Mommy....such good boys! :o).

Monday, July 6, 2009

Catchin' up......

We are back home and settling into life as a family of 6! A' is a darling little peanut, and we are so thankful to have her as our daughter:). Her smile lights up the room, and she is so content all of the time. She really has only had one "three year old moment," and it lasted only a few moments.

Nothing was a sweet as seeing all four of my munchkins in the same room. Miss M' LOVES having a baby sister and packs her around like a doll. Mr. J' is Mr. J', and he seems to be impressed by his meimei. He even offered her a snack today (if you know Mr. J', you know he doesn't share his snacks very well!) D' is pretty possessive of his "China MeiMei," yet isn't too sure about sharing his mommy and daddy's attention. I think every day is a little bit better than the former for him, and I even caught him playing with her today.

Some have asked how the flights went.....very well, thank you very much! A' just sat in her seat, and kicked her legs around. I, on the other hand can not stand to fly and was feeling a tad claustrophobic. I tried to calm myself by watching all of the movies offered by our airline. I also caught up on all of the 80's music I could stand courtesy of satellite radio. I thought for a moment that Guns-n-Roses was staging a comeback because I must of listened to Sweet Child of Mine and Welcome to the Jungle 20 times from San Francisco to Shanghai. Who knew that hearing songs from my junior high days could be so uplifting? I had forgot about most of the "hair bands," but thanks to United Airlines I am now caught up on all things leopard striped, aqua-netted, and neon colored :). I think I may have offended the Chinese businessman sitting next to me when I busted out to the melody of "Love Hurts," by Nazareth.....nice!

All in all, our trip was great, but heart wrenching none the less. This trip to China was far more emotionally difficult than the first. There are so many children that will never know what it feels like to be part of a family, nor be provided with basic needs that we are accustomed to. Many lie in their beds hungry, but do not cry because they know nothing different. Some have virtually no human contact during the day and don't even know what toys are. I wish I could bring them all home, but I know it isn't possible. I know that our country isn't perfect, but we have WAY more than these orphans will ever have.

Miss A' 1

Miss A'....our little sleeping angel

Miss A' chillin' with daddy.

The first time Daddy held Miss A.

The first time I held Miss A.
Mr. J', sr., Miss A', myself, and our favorite flamboyant doorman:)

Miss A' flirting with her Hunan-man.