Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Feeling good today. : )

....feeling blessed, elated, and liberated all in the same day!  Today is going to be a good day. That's all I'm going to say about that. :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wii anyone??  Too bad....g'pa doesn't share the remote. :)

It has been six years since I've spent an actual Christmas (on the holiday) with my folks.  They decided to head over the mountains and "surprise" the grandkids.  They came on Thursday evening.  The kids were thrilled!  The boys convinced my dad to play Wii with them, and it ended up being sort of a mistake for them.  Grandpa wouldn't give the control back!!  After a few hours of Wii Chicken Shoot and Wii Sports Resort, we all retired for the evening.  We spent Christmas Eve doing what I did growing up on the day....baking and eating, and eating, and eating some more . . . you get the picture.  J' and I took the kids over to G'pa and G'ma Vk's in the evening for a bit, and then we headed back home for Christmas presents at home.  Christmas day, we headed to church, came home for a bit so the kids could play with some of their new things, and then we went south to my sister and brother-in-law's house for prime rib.  YUMMY!!!  It was a really fun weekend, and I'm hoping another 6 years doesn't pass before they come again for the holiday (hint, hint...mom!). : )

Nap time

J, Jr. and his little kitty, PUD taking a nap after all of the holiday festivities.

Firehall Christmas Par-tae!

 Miss A' visiting Santa.
D' getting a monster truck from Santa

L' decided that daddy was much more fun than Santa
Every year, Mr. J, Sr.'s fire hall does a kiddo Christmas party.  Usually, I let J' take the munchkins all alone, but with 5.....well, we now are terribly outnumbered when we are alone. : )  Miss M' and J., Jr. decided they were "too old" to participate (even though they did anyway once they were there).  Above you will find a few pics of the youngest three enjoying themselves.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Oh this girl.....

Oh how I love this girl.  I can't believe how quickly time is passing me by.  She will soon be 12, and it still seems like yesterday that I was chasing her toddlin' little body around the house.  She is growing up.  She is starting to want to expand her wings, and I sometimes find it hard to digest. 

A few days ago, she called from school and asked if she could stay after to watch a basketball game with her friends.  I quickly responded, "Fun!  What time should I be there?"  In a sweet voice she replied, "um....mom....can I stay by myself?"  Eek......I am not ready for you to be by yourself yet, dear girl.  Please stay young forever.  And, just FYI....she did stay, and I did survive.

My boys.....

My little dough makers....

Quess Who???

Can you tell they are related??...hehe