Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A year in review...

Because we are only a few hours away from ending 2008, I thought it would be fun to ask the kids what stands out to them as memorable, exciting, etc. Here's what they came up with....
Miss M.'s top 5....

1. The day I found out I had a sister. 2. Going to Disneyland. 3. Going to see my g'pa and g'ma in Idaho. 4. Having my cousin stay with me for 3 wks over the summer. 5. Starting my new school and making more friends.

Mr. J.'s top 5....

1. Digging in the dirt farm (see previous posts). 2. Digging in my mud farm (again, see previous posts). 3. Going to the farm show in Tulare, CA. 4. Going to Disneyland. 5. Having a brother to play with.

Darling D.'s top 5 (with a little prompting from mommy)...

1. Going to Disneyland. 2. Riding with Daddy in the tractors. 3. Playing in the snow. 4. Playing with BoBo(aka Mr. J.) 5. Playing with Cousin C. at J-Playland.

Mommy's top 5....

1. That I'm married to an amazing man! 2. My kids are healthy and happy. 3. Darling D' made it thru his surgeries w/out any major complications. 4. We were privileged to be matched with another child from China. 5. Having wonderful friends and family.

Mr. J., Sr.....

Ditto on what you said, mommy....except I'm not married to a man..heehee!

So, to all of our friends and family, we wish you a very happy and healthy '09!

Monday, December 29, 2008

A needle in the haystack....

God is great!! Throughout both of our adoptions, we have been incredibly blessed to learn that our children have been under the care of Christian missionaries working within China. This past week, through a number of miraculous circumstances, we were able to get the e-mail address of an international volunteer who works directly in the orphanage that Miss A. resides (thank you, S' know who you are:>). Now, I ask you to think about this for a minute. China is the most populated country in the world, and they are extremely private about their orphans. We, as adoptive parents have no contact, or "goto" person. You do not receive monthly updates on your child. If you are fortunate, you may receive one or two updates (often without photos) before you travel. Finding a contact person on your own is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

I'm sure that you can imagine how difficult it is to know that you have a child, but are unable to touch, or see them. You can not check each day to make sure that they are eating enough, you can not hold them when they cry, you can't comfort them when they are sick, and you can not tell them that you love them. The only comfort that you have is resting in knowing that the Lord is in control and is watching over them while you wait. I can't imagine not having that. I would go crazy with worry!

Anyhoo....last night, I spent about an hour drafting a letter to the volunteer. I went thru it several times to make sure that I didn't sound too desperate(although at times, I am), too selfish, too emotional, etc. I sent it off with hopes that I would hear something back, but to be honest I didn't think I'd get a response. I woke up this morning and immediately checked my email and to my surprise she wrote back. She knows Miss A! She knows her therapist and gave us the "inside scoop" on her. She reported that her therapist confirmed she does not have cerebral palsy, as originally thought. She also said her therapist thinks her secondary diagnosis of autism is questionable at this point. She said that they think her delays may be more environmental, and they are very cautious about labeling her at this point due to her age, environment, etc.

So....we think the volunteers response was very positive. You could tell that she had a truly selfless heart dedicated to serving the Lord. She had given up living in her native country where she was free to talk about her faith, and moved to a country where she could be jailed for proclaiming His name. She lets her actions speak for her. Day after day, she serves Him by ministering to the fatherless. She offers comfort to them. She hugs them when they fall. She makes sure that their needs are being met day after day. She tells them that GOD loves them. She HUMBLES me! She is submitting to the plan that God has laid out for her, and has taken up the cross to follow Him!

Please continue to pray for Miss A. Specifically, she is currently not in the missionaries private care. She still lives in the orphanage, and the orphanage has a contract with the volunteers for her to receive services weekly. Please pray that she continues to receive what she needs and that she continues to improve daily.

One side note....please pray for those who will never know parents....the ones left behind. There are over 1 million orphaned children in the world. Please pray that if the Lord has placed the seed of adoption on peoples hearts, that they will be obedient to the call. Please pray that they trust in Him to provide them with all that they need...emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially. Pray that abandoned orphans needs will be met. Pray that someone will look after them and show them love, care, dignity and compassion. Your prayers may be the only prayers that they receive:). And most importantly, remember to give Him the glory in all things resting knowing that His will will be done!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A VK Christmas...

For those of you who don't already know, Mr. J.,Sr. comes from a big family. He is the oldest of 12 children. With "in-laws" and kids, it makes for one great party! help clear up some confusion, here is a "key" to the family...
G'pa and G'ma VK-The parents.
Mr. J.,Sr. and myself-our children are Miss M., Mr. J., Darling D., and soon to be Miss A.
Uncle J.(twin to Uncle E.) and Auntie C.-their children are Cousin C. and Cousin Owie
Uncle E.(twin to Uncle J-above) and Auntie Teecee-their children are D'ha and one due anytime:).
Auntie J. and Uncle R.-their children are the twins-Cousin K. and Cousin T., and Baby S.
Uncle M. and Auntie R.-their children are Cousin A. and one due this spring...we missed them on Christmas!
Auntie Gooch and Uncle B.-their child is Logie-Pie
Uncle K. and Aunt K.-they were married this past year
Uncle D.
Uncle B.
Uncle J.
Uncle T.
Uncle Jerm
Hopefully that helps.....there will be a quiz shortly:).
Auntie C. and Miss M.
Owie and Uncle J.
Darling D. giving Owie his gift
Darling D's 2nd Christmas home!
Cousin T.
Mr. J. and Cousin C.
Miss M. opening up her scrapbooking kit. She LOVED it! Looking on-Daddy, Darling D., Uncle Jerm, Cousin C., Uncle J., and Auntie C.
Something must have been exciting! Uncle Jerm and Uncle J.
Cousin S. She is SO CUTE!
Uncle T.
Aunt J., Uncle J., and Baby D'ha
Uncle B. and his FATHEAD(no, I'm not being rude...that's the name of the gift.) Uncle K. is looking on in wonderment:).
Uncle D.
Aunt K. and Cousin K.
From L to R...Baby d'ha, Uncle K, Aunt K., and cousin K.
Auntie Gooch and Logie-Pie
Uncle R. and Baby S.
Uncle B. showing off his gifts from the name exchange. If I recall correctly he was very excited!
Auntie Teecee with her gift from Uncle E.

Improvisation and compromise....two of my favorite words....

Improvisation and compromise....two of my favorite words. I think these two words are the key to happiness for a mommy. Sometimes, admittedly I have trouble adhering to them because I am a bit (ok, a lot) of a control freak. This year, we were suppose to go to Eye-Dee-Hoe to spend Christmas with my folks, but due to the snow we had to IMPROVISE AND COMPROMISE. We figured if the weather was bad here, it would be REALLY bad there. I think the last count I got from my mom was around 4 feet, so even though we wanted to go.....we're glad we didn't.
Our evening started out at home opening presents, and then we were off to G'pa and G'ma VK's house for a night of fun and family time. It is always fun to spend time with them, too and the kids look forward to seeing all of their aunties, uncles, and cousins. Hopefully next year we'll be able to spend a Christmas w/my folks, but I think they should come here! My folks can IMPROVISE AND COMPROMISE:) ya, mom!
Here are some pictures of the kids opening presents at home.....
Ok, so I guess this present was a hit w/Miss M.
Miss M. before she opened the package

Mr. J. with his remote control car.

Oh what could it be?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Excerpt from something I read the other day....

Below you will find an excerpt from an entry I read on Mary Beth Chapman's blog(wife of Christian Musician Steven Curtis Chapman). Tragically, they lost their young daughter this year in an accident. I thought what she wrote was very beautiful and decided to post it here.

As I anticipate Christmas 2008, I have many thoughts flying through my heart and head. The last several days, my mind has not been able to stop thinking about Mary, the mother of Jesus. Pregnant and scared, knowing that the baby she was carrying eventually would pay the ultimate price of His life. How would I have lived differently if I knew that my time with Maria was going to be this short? Regretfully, I would have lived much differently. I would have purposely hugged and kissed more. I would have tried to memorize and lock away in my heart certain smells and smiles. I would have colored more and worked less. I would have laughed more and fussed less. Bedtime wouldn’t have become a chore to check off the list of things to get done. Instead it would have been more of an opportunity to listen about the day and offer whatever words were needed. The swimming pool wouldn’t have been too cold to swim in. The flowers in the garden would have all been picked, and definitely more ice cream would have been consumed! I wonder what it was like for Mary after her son’s death. I know she saw him resurrected and was certain of the fact that she would she him again, but she was still his mom. Mary found favor with God; therefore she was chosen to be Jesus’ mom. But because God favored Mary, she was also chosen to suffer. Not just at the crucifixion, but her whole life. She was chosen to carry a baby in her womb, be persecuted and give birth in a dirty stable. Most of the time at Christmas we end the story there…. in the stable, with Mary, Joseph and Jesus receiving their company. Wise men, shepherds, and angels - you get the picture in your head right? The star, the animals, the Nativity! What about the rest of it? Mary, mothering the Son of God! She was human, she had a baby, and she raised that baby with the heaviness that she was to see him suffer and thus she too would suffer. I think when Mary was hiding things in her heart; it was a lot more than the reality of whom she carried in her womb. I am certain that she was hiding away the memories of first smiles and steps, as well as the first tears and tumbles. Knowing what was to come, did Mary have the opportunity to live differently as a mom to her little boy? I believe she did. I am sure that she watched him differently, taught him differently, and prayed differently. I can only imagine the discussions that she and Joseph would have when their son wasn’t listening, how they probably begged God to let the cup pass from them, but in the end yielding up the prayer we all hesitate to pray when it comes to our children…. Your will be done. UGGHH!!!! I don’t want to. I didn’t want to on May 21st, and I still don’t want to now. Yet somehow we did, and somehow we will continue to. I am reminded more than ever this Christmas, that it doesn’t end at the Nativity in Bethlehem in a cozy manger… it is a journey all the way to the cross on the hill in Golgotha on Good Friday. Christmas for the Chapmans this year represents suffering. For that matter, from here on may we always remember that it represents the ultimate suffering that came. But isn’t it amazing that it is called GOOD Friday? Why is it good if it is full of suffering? Because Easter came on Sunday and what Satan intended for evil, God intended for GOOD! Christmas ultimately ends at Easter and the reality that we will see Maria again! If we are to live as Christ, then we will suffer like Christ. I am thankful this Christmas more than ever for Easter. When all the questions I have will be answered and all the tears I have will be wiped away. Until then, Merry Christmas with the reality that Easter came and all of this suffering will some day be gone in a moment, and all things will become new and right and awesome!Thanks for your prayers during this journey. It isn’t an easy one and your love and support is continually needed. May you be richly blessed for gracing us with your love.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gingerbread house '08..

What could be more perfect than snow in December? It just makes everything feel so much more festive. To celebrate, we have been spending a lot of time outside sledding, running away from Mr. J. because he can't seem to resist throwing snowballs at anyone nearby, and sitting by the fire drinking chocolate milk.
The other day, Miss M., Darling D., and mommy worked on our annual Gingerbread house. The munchkins have been begging to work on it since the tree went up. Mommy is definetly NOT a professional decorator, but we try our best:). We think it turned out great and most importantly, we had a blast!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh happy day!!!

It's official...we are DTC (dossier to China) for Miss A. today. I can't believe excited! It is still going to be several months, but at least preliminary (and the most complicated) paperwork is DONE!!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter wonderland....a rare treat!

Wishing you all a very Blessed Christmas!

If you look off to the left of Mr. J., you will see our snow white kitty. He blends right in:).

Winter wonderland....a rare treat!