Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just a little braggin....

Yesterday, my nephew won his 4th straight district championship title. He's been wrestling since he was a wee-little man (think bitty wrestling), and years of practice, dedication and sacrifice have paid off for him (not only by my nephew, but by my sister and her awesome husband who have driven him all over the country to attend various camps, tournaments, and training events). We are so proud of him! He will represent his area next weekend at the state tournament. We wish him all the best! Way to go Benny-haha.....We love you!

My nephew (navy singlet) on top of the competition

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Fat. Skinny. Gifted. Dumb. Athletic. Clumsy. Beautiful. Homely. Nice. Mean. Friendly. Snobby. Delayed. Accelerated. Labels.......some can be positive, while others can be quite negative. Lets face one wants to carry around a "bad" label with them for a lifetime. Positive ones are A-ok, but with socially negative labels comes a plethora of struggles. It seems like I wasted away a large part of my childhood trying to escape some of the negative labels that plagued me as a child, and I still carry around a lot of insecurity from some of them. I know....sad! I'm a grown adult and shouldn't care, but I do.

You may wonder where I am going with this. We are all uniquely, beautifully, and wonderfully made. We are all a series of ingredients, or reading a recipe. God knits us together and gives us all gifts to serve His purpose. These are the labels that we should care about, but we don't. Humans, in our selfishness seem to be more concerned about worldly labeling than eternal labeling. People have created the "bad" labels (and the good for that matter). Society has decided what is desirable in a person, and we have also decided what is undesirable, or socially unacceptable.

My daughter stims. My daughter has sensory issues. My daughter may not play with toys like your child. My daughter may tap her nose while dropping a toy, or she may pop her fists together with force when she is frustrated. My daughter is non-verbal. My daughter may do things that others may perceive as "weird," but guess what.....I don't care about what you think. I don't need people to stare at her in the grocery store and tell me what they think is "wrong" with her. I don't need you to tell me that you think she is autistic (which her doctor reconfirmed again yesterday quite emphatically...your child is not autistic....btw!). I do not need you to tell me how lucky she is to have a family because we are the blessed ones. I love her. I rejoice in watching her smile while hearing sounds that she has never heard before. My heart skips a beat listening to her giggle over and over while the wind hits her face. I laugh seeing her sign for her milk cup when I open the refrigerator. I am overjoyed to watch her explore her environment. The labels we choose for her are......chosen, child of God, daughter of the Savior, redeemed, wonderfully and beautifully made, forgiven.....These are the labels that we care about (and all of my children labeled), even though society may not agree.

I have fallen into the labeling trap at times. I have spent the past 8 months over analyzing everything that my sweet A' does. I have obsessed about silly things that I shouldn't worry about. In a strange way, perhaps I desired a "label" from the medical establishment, although I was fearful of it at the same time. I wanted a magic bullet. I wanted to be able to tell people, "oh, she does that because she has....., " or, "she does that because she is......" Selfish of me, I know. Insecure of me, I know. I don't need to explain her behavior to anyone. She is who she is. Amazing!

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering how her appt. went at Children's yesterday....very well, thank you very much. Her neurologist was very pleased with her progress. She has made "significant gains" and from a medical standpoint she is doing quite well. Her diagnosis, or label by her neurologist is "thriving in her new environment." I think I can handle that. :)

Monday, February 8, 2010

busy, busy bees......

We have been blessed w/some pretty amazing weather around here lately (nothing like what the Midwest and east coasters are going thru). It has been in the high 50's to low 60's and with it comes lots of fun time outside for the kids and I. I have been weeding out flower beds (as best as I can because I just don't bend at the waist anymore) and even saw a bee buzzing around the yard. The daffodils are up and just getting ready to start blooming, and the tulips are not far behind. I've already mowed the yard a few times, and it's only the first week of February. LOVE THIS WEATHER!!!

The boys have been reacquainting themselves w/their various dirt piles and spending hours digging for bugs, worms, and other creepy crawlies. Miss M' is happy racing Chloe, our beautiful Golden Retriever around the yard, or jumping feverishly on the trampoline. Although Miss A' has been walking around like crazy the outdoor terrain is a little challenging for her, and she can't quite maintain balance on the uneven ground. She is, however quite happy to swing, go down the slide, and sit in the grass enjoying the new texture on her hands.

We've also had a lot of celebrations around here. The end of January and February are busy birthday months. My little nephew, Kyle turned 1. My own momma turned 60 (ahem...I mean 40) on January 26. Miss M' turned 11 on the 30th of January. My brother-in-law celebrated his 21st birthday a few days ago while finishing up basic training in California. Poor guy.....he can't even get a phone call from loved ones b/c of Marine Corp rules. My niece turned 5 and had a fantastic birthday party on Saturday at a children's museum. My father-in-law will also be 60 on Thursday. And, last but not least.....two of my nephews will celebrate their birthdays in February....Benjamin (Feb. 9 and a big 17 years old!) and Kyle (Feb. 27 and 14 years old!). So......happy birthday to all of our loved ones!!! If I forgot anyone, sorry. There are a lot of you. :)

Today, I had the supreme privilege of accompanying my handsome son and his class to a ballet performance in a nearby city (a HUGE thank you to my awesome mother-in-law for watching the two young ones while I went....much appreciated, and we love you!). I had a great time spending some alone time with J-man, and I even caught him smiling on the bus ride down. He reached over and hugged me and told me, "thanks mom. I love you." My little J-man isn't super affectionate, so it brought tears to this momma's eyes. We had a great time together, even if ballet is not my boys "cup of tea." He leaned over to me about 5 minutes into the show and said in a most annoyed voice, "is this for REAL? Can we go now?" Later, I looked over to find him snoozing right thru all of the dancing. It really was beautiful to watch, but I can't apologize for my boy.....he is who he is. :) Alas......maybe my girls will appreciate culture and the arts. I can only be so hopeful.

Tomorrow, we will head off to Children's for another neurology appt. for Miss A. Please keep her in your prayers. It should be rather routine, but the appts. are usually pretty exhausting for her and for her momma. :) A' will have her last home therapy sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, and then she will begin preschool next week. My little lady is going to school!

Anyhoo, that is what's what around here. :)