Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.....

Miss M' is the adorable gal in the bottom left corner. I'm working on my nieces' computer, so I had to use one of her pictures. I know, I one is looking at the camera, but what do you expect w/my busy munchkins.....

To you, Miss M......

I still remember your week long induction like it was yesterday. I went in on a Monday morning and spent the day hooked up to an IV w/some cocktail of labor inducing meds running thru it. Nothing! Tuesday, more medicines, but still no Miss M. Wednesday.....had the day off from induction related thought it would be good to see if a day at home might progress things along. I rested on the couch that day thinking about what you would look like, if you were a boy, or a girl, how much you would weigh, how painful was labor anyway, would you ever come out, would the name we chose suit you, did your mommy have the gestation of an elephant since you were already 15 days overdue, etc., etc. On Thursday morning we were back at it again, and finally, on Saturday morning at 6:45 a.m. you made her grand entrance into the world. I remember very vividly one nurse telling me I was not in active labor just minutes before my water broke, and I think I shot her the "evilest" eye known to mankind. About a half hour later, as I held you in my arms I couldn't help but shoot a snide smirk her way and say, "see, I told you so". I know.....very mature of me, but I was sleep deprived, 23 years old, and still in pain!

On Sunday morning we took you home, and it felt strange to go from just your daddy and I to a family of three. You had all kinds of guests come and see you. You were the very first grandbaby on the Vk side of the family, and I was told by g'ma O' that g'pa D' was very excited to have a granddaughter. Finally.....another girl in the Vk family. :) Both of your g'pa's and g'ma's visited along w/your aunties and uncles. Auntie Amanda had to come up on the following day after we returned home from the hospital b/c I had no idea how to sponge bathe a baby, nor put clothes on you without breaking you. Thankfully, she reassured me that you would not "break" and to quit being so silly about it. Your daddy was pretty comfortable w/you because he had lots of practice w/siblings, but I had no idea what to do with you. Happily, we both figured out the mommy/daughter thing pretty quickly. You were an excellent sleeper almost immediately, and if you did wake up at night it was strictly "business". You were only interested in getting a quick snack and then back to sleep you went.

So, to my Miss M', a very happy birthday to you! You are an amazing young lady, and your daddy and I are so blessed to have you in our family. You have an incredibly gentle, kind heart, and your compassion to others is ever present. You are an wonderful helper, and a fantastic shopper. :) I love spending time with you doing "girl stuff," and you make me smile with your sassy sense of humor and quick whit. I love that you share your moms love for all things vintage and would rather go antique or junk store shopping than hit the mall (although you are also a fan of it, too!). You have a special way with animals, and you have always had a soft spot for them. Thank you, Miss M' for waking up daily with a smile on your face and a true eagerness to see what God has in store for you. Love you, mom...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

just a little update.... blog. Why do I neglect you so? For those of you who have been checkin' in I am sorry that I haven't written anything lately(thanks for the inquiry Shirlee....I am a huge fan of your blog, and you inspire me w/all of your great posts :). Life has been busy w/two three year olds, a third trimester mommy-to-be, a very energetic young man who will be 8 soon, and my beautiful daughter who is galloping toward her 11th (gasp!) birthday.

Here's a lowdown on what's new at the VK ranch:

My darling Miss M' will be turning 11 on Saturday. She has been debating on what she would like to do on her special day, and she has finally narrowed it down to a few choices. Originally, we had planned an overnight excursion (amazing hotel nearby w/a waterpark!), but she surprised me the other day by asking if she could look on the internet and find something different. I was actually thrilled b/c the thought of cramming 6 people into one hotel room wasn't very appealing to me! She has informed me (rather sternly) that we WILL be finalizing our plans tonight. Yes ma am'. Girl knows what she likes. :)

Mr. J' continues to LOVE all things Lego related. He retreats to his room regularly (mainly because his little meimei can't seem to keep her hands off of them) for hour long building sessions. It amazes me to see what he can come up with. I think boys are definitely wired differently than girls, and Lego's prove it. I spent the greater part of an hour trying to read the instruction on how to assemble a Lego car. I turned around to "help" J' and D', and they already had it put together and were working on another. Hello......maybe I should leave asssembled items to my boys! They are so mechanically inclined, while their momma is strictly a "gotta have a diagram, instructions, and video if possible to show me how to build it" kind of a gal.

D' LOVES playing with Mr. J's Lego's while Mr. J is away at school (mainly because Mr. J' doesn't share his creations very well). He is also really into "reading" me books and helping out whenever he can. If I give the boy a rag and the out. You may just have sparkle where you didn't expect sparkle. :) He is also obsessed w/knowing what time it is. I swear that I hear him say, "hey mom, what time is it?" 10 times per hour. I always reply, "why D'? Do you need to be somewhere?" He says, "nope....just want to know how much longer it will be until bobo (Mr. J') comes home." He loves his bobo!

A' is keeping me on my toes! She is into EVERYTHING!!!! The other day, J' and I were reminiscing about her, and we both thought about how we would pray that she would just have the desire to do something w/out us prodding her to do so. Well, I'm happy to report that our prayers have been answered. Yay me.....just in time for baby!

The pregnancy is going well. I'll be honest. . . I have a hard time draggin' my bum off the couch to do anything, but I'm managing. I can't wait to feel my feet again because little sweet pea has decided that sitting on my hip/nerve is a very comfy place to be (for HER!), which in turn makes my feet fall asleep and my hip absolutely throb to no end. She is quite a little mover, and it makes me giggle to watch my stomach bump, jump, and wiggle. I think I've got an energetic one on my hands. :)

I'm working feverishly (ok....a little overly dramatic, but that's my style!) to get the nursery completed. Yesterday, D' and I assembled the crib. Thankfully, I have put it together and taken it apart a few times, so it was easy....nothing like Lego's. I picked up a bassinet and car seat at a fabulous consignment store (I'm a sucker for a good deal!). The boys have moved into J's room and happily share bunkbeds now (which D' and J' informed me were the best gift ever!). Miss M' and Miss A' still have their own rooms, and baby vk will move into D's old room. It is handy living in a big farmhouse....lots of bedrooms for lots of kids.

J, Sr. is great! He loves God, his wife (ahem....I am assuming:), loves the kids, and loves the farm. He has been so helpful lately, and I really appreciate him. He has graciously agreed to watch the munchkins for a few days at the end of February so I can go with my in-laws, niece, and two brothers-in-law to watch another brother-in-law graduate from basic training in San Diego. Some may say, "um, big deal." But, it IS a big deal to a farmer. They can't stop working....ever! As his dad says, "cows have to be fed." So, he will have a very full schedule w/two three year olds riding around w/him in the feed truck. Last night I tried to back out b/c I felt bad leaving him w/the extra work, but he insisted that I go. He assures me that he's got it covered, and yes....the man always does. :)

So, that's what's new in VK land. Thanks for reading. :)