Here's a little summary of the past few months happenings..... J', Sr. and I became great uncle and auntie again to a sweet little boy named Carter. That makes 2 great nephews for us now! A few of our kiddos celebrated birthdays. Miss M' is now 13. J', jr. is now 10. Darlin' D is now 6. And, Sweet L' is now 2! We are looking forward to celebrating A' and Adorable A's birthdays in the near future.
The rest of our crew have been bringing smiles to this momma's face daily (and, an occasional frown here and there.) D' loved his year in kindergarten. He made lots of friends and looks forward to moving on to full day first grade next year. Miss A' transitioned well into special needs kindergarten this year, as well. She has had a few bumps along the way, but made huge progress this year. She is now fully potty trained and chewing and swallowing her food. WOOHOO!! L' loves to be a big girl now. She is so motherly to everyone. In other words, she loves to boss everyone around. :) Miss M still adores her horse. She rode in her first gaming show a few weeks ago, and she and her pony did very well. They have a great time together. J', jr. cracks me up. He is a very intense little fella, and takes a lot of pride in his grades and homework. He just celebrated his 10th birthday by having all of the boys in his class over for a nerf war themed, high energy slumber party. I had a momentary lapse in judgement when I ok'd the idea with him, but the boys all did very well. I was, however ready for a nap the following morning. I had 17 kids here at one point (ok....5 were mine, but that's still a lot of kids!)
Anywho, that's our life in a nutshell. I will attempt to do a better job keeping my blog up. :)
Darlin' D.
Miss M.
L' kissing her prince.
Mr. J' with a Mr. J' smirk on his face.
Miss A'.