Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday fun!

Today was a great day! Miss M., Mr. J., and Darling D. let mommy sleep in, which is a rarity. After a long day of puttering around the house, laundry, and yard work, mommy decided to take the munchkins out for dinner b/c Daddy is busy harvesting the corn. It is getting so much easier to take them out now that Darling D. is getting a bit older. A year ago, I would have not even attempted such an outing on my own.

After we filled our tummies, we brought daddy some "take out" in the field. We arrived back at home and decided it would be a great idea to give Chloe, our golden retriever a bath. She is not really an "inside" dog, but Miss M. decided it would be lovely to cuddle by the fireplace with her. Mommy is a big softy for both Miss M. and Chloe, so I thought it would be fun to show a picture of the two of them together. I tried to get a picture of all the munchkins and Chloe together, but Chloe wasn't very cooperative. I did get an adorable picture of them w/o her, though.

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