Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Breaking ground

Yesterday was quite an exciting day on the farm. After a few years in the making, Farm Power NW broke ground on a pretty amazing project. It is called a methane digester, and it basically converts the methane produced by our farm and a neighboring farm into energy that can then power about 500 homes. The digester allows the manure to be converted into a renewable, alternative energy source, which is a really neat solution for both the environment and dairy farmers. Essentially, after the digester is "done" with what it needs to do, the farmer is given back the dry matter for fertilizing the fields. The finished product is suppose to have very little odor (which the neighbors like) and the same fertilizing capabilities as the pre-processed "stuff." Amazing! Who knew that cow poop could do such a thing?
To mark this moo-mentous occasion, a ground breaking celebration was put together by the brothers who were behind its success (to read more about it, google Farm Power NW.) I would say that about 150-200 people attended. Mr. J., Sr., Uncle E., and Darling D. were able to be official diggers along with several local and state officials. Darling D. was quite proud of his shovel and continued excavating long after everyone else had finished.
Congressman Rick Larson, Daddy (aka. Mr. J., Sr.), Darling D., and Uncle E.
The Ground Breakers....some included our first husband-Mr. Gregoire, Congressman-Rick Larson, State Senator-Mary Margaret Haugen, State Rep.-Barbara Baily, County Commissioner-Don Monks, County Commissioner-Ken Dahlstead, and many others who made the digester possible.


amy said...

Wow. This is cool. Who knew you guys were hanging with the big-wigs!

D. is so cute in the pictures too.

Rachael said...

I just noticed your comment on Catherine's blog and was able to view yours...very cute blog! This post reminds me of a dairy farm near us that does the very same thing, along with being a tourist attraction. View their site at (Maybe J wants to add a few more things to their farm :)