Today, after school we headed down to celebrate my nephew's 16th birthday-and, yes Sister, you are old-heehee! Vern (my nickname for my nephew that I gave him when he was about 6 months old) had a whole stack of friends over, and it was fun to see him interact with his "posse." Apparently, Auntie S. and Mom aren't cool anymore. Any time we tried to be a part of the fun, we were quickly reminded that we ARE NOT COOL! I tried to embarrass Vern a few times, so he decided rather hastily that the pack of teenagers should go for a walk around town. Oh well, my sister and I can always have fun! We drank our Diet Shasta out of wine glasses to feel "fancy," finished off the breadsticks, pizza, and cake, and talked about things as only we can. Love ya, sista'! And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, Vern. Auntie S. loves you more than you know!
Here's a picture of the happy cousins before the pizza sauce started flying. Vern, the b-day boy is in the middle.
1 comment:
Hey just letting you know that I remembered what you told me, (I'm suprised because I didn't even write it down!) It's fun to see what people are doing, it's like snooping, but with permission.
See ya later.
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