What a week! Miss M. was feeling kind of "punky" on Tuesday, so I picked her up from school and headed to the doctors office. I wouldn't normally be so paranoid, but she was burning up w/fever. After waiting over 2 hours to be seen (thankfully D' was w/his grandma O. and daddy b/c there is NO way that he would of managed...thank you grandma O. for taking time to help out..xoxox.) we were told that she had a nasty sinus infection and pneumonia. Thankfully, today her fever has subsided and the pink has returned to her cheeks. I think I even caught a smile on her face this morning.
In other McJason news....we receive another extremely positive e-mail from the missionary on Miss A. She said she is improving quite dramatically lately. She is making eye contact, interacting w/people, and her motor skill are getting much better, too. We have a lot to be thankful for!
Other than that....just another fun week on the farm.
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