Since Friday seems to be the only day of the week that I don't have some type of therapy appt. for Miss A', I try to do fun things w/she and D'. We started off the morning a little patchy, however. I had a hard time getting out of the house on time to bring J' and M' to school. No one wanted to move very quickly, including mommy. I even spilled my coffee all over myself on the way out of the house, so I thought it might just be one of those days. Happily, I was wrong!
I had my 13 wk. appt. w/my OB doctor today. D' and A' accompanied me to the appt., so I was PRAYING they would behave and happily.....not a peep from either one of them. YAY for mommy! D' was very interested in all of the "swishing" going on inside of mommy's tummy (doppler.) I tried to prepare him beforehand by letting him know that he would be able to hear the baby, but I think he was expecting a "hey big brother" kind of a noise, not swish, swish, swish. He seemed impressed, though.
After, we headed off to my dear friends house to enjoy a playdate w/her darling boys. The three year olds played, Baby B' happily nursed/rocked/slept w/mommy, A' just kind of hung out and pestered the two boys, and the mommies enjoyed Starbucks while catching up. Thank you, Auntie K' for the hospitality!
Next, we headed back to town to watch my nieces soccer game. Hubs called and wondered what was for lunch (so typical, but I love that he likes to eat w/me!), and we went for an impromptu lunch at the park.
Then, A', D', and I headed off to the game. It was awesome! D' and A' were such good sports and cheered along w/the rest of the crowd. A' happily clapped her hands (she is very proficient at clapping!) and D' enjoyed rolling down a large hill next to the field. Niecey-poo did magnificent. She was on FIRE!!! She scored 2 of the 3 goals for her team....very proud of her!
You may ask, "could your day get any better?" Well, I say YES!! After picking up M' and J' from school, we headed back to watch a few minutes of the boys game and polished off the night w/ice cream and 75 degree weather. PERFECT DAY!
dusty rose bedding
2 years ago
It does sound perfect.
Glad the doctor's appointment went well. I'm praying for you, the family and the new little one.
So glad the rest of the day was great, too. Thanks for coming was wonderful to visit with you and to see the kids together! We must do it again soon!! Thanks for the Starbucks, too :)
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