Monday, November 23, 2009

Here's what 21 wks and a few days looks like on me.....

What a fun week we have had! Miss A. continues to improve leaps and bounds. She is standing independently now (under protest, of course!), but the truth is that SHE CAN DO IT! She decided to take a few steps at physical therapy this week, which in turn made her momma (aka. me) bawl like a baby. Her therapists provided her with a walker, as well, and she is getting the hang of moving around in the upright position. Hopefully, this will facilitate her desire to continue to want to walk, and soon she won't need the apparatus anymore. One of her therapists hopes to see her walking w/out assistance by Christmas. That would be the greatest present for mommy and daddy!

Miss M. and Mr. J. received their report cards and both of them earned terrific grades. We celebrated by going out to dinner and then took a trip to the Dollar Store (our kids favorite store!) They have both set some pretty ambitious goals for next quarter. Miss M. is figuring on a horse (she has expensive taste!) if she gets straight A's, and Mr. J. would like another trip to the Dollar Tree. Something tells me that we will go for J's reward, not M's.

D' continues to crack mommy up. He comes up w/the silliest things to say. The other day, he was sitting on my lap and got a very perplexed look on his face. He started sniffing the air (think dog sniffing the air) and remarked w/a little bit of disgust in his voice, "hey mom, what's that smell you smell like?" I replied, "why D', do I stink?" He said, "no mom, you smell .......DELICIOUS!" After picking myself up off the floor from laughter, we went into the bathroom and sprayed his blankey w/my perfume. He walked around the house the rest of the day sniffing his blankey and telling me it was "dewishwish."

This past Friday, we had our 21 wk ultrasound. We thought it would be fun for the older two kiddo's to go along, and they thought it was great to see their little peanut up close and sort of personal. I have been studying ultrasound pictures on the internet, so I consider myself to be somewhat of an "expert" on determining what's what...heehee. We weren't going to find out the gender, but in a moment of weakness on my part, I blurted out the sex. If you don't want to know, don't read the next sentence....yeah right! It's a girl (at least we think at this point)!! We had a name all picked out, but now I'm second guessing, so any suggestions can be left under "comments."

Anyhoo, that's what's new over here.

And for you mom, as requested.......21 wks and a few days.....

Yes, you can see that I have an ever expanding "girthiness" about me.


Sonya said...

You are beautiful Shelby!!! And...way to go Anna!!! How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Happy news all the way around! Another girl....Anna's new abilities! Yay for the McJasons!!

julia said...

yay a girl I have all these baby clothes here if you want them?

Rachael said...

Wow, you are hardly popping out yet. I bet I'm twice the size of you and we are what, due a week apart? You look great! Keep it up! Congrats on a baby girl. How fun!

Elaine Eaton said...

Keep the name a secret, you'll always find some that like it and some who don't. A girl, how exciting. And good for Anna, She's doing so good. You've got a pretty special family, enjoy hearing about them. And you are growing just fine. Glad your mom wants the pictures.

McJason's said...

It's been really fun to see what God has planned for our family. Thanks for following and reading our blog. Sonya-You are way too sweet! I've enjoyed reconnecting w/you after all of these years. Next year if you come up to see the tulips, you'll have to stop by. Marmee-Thanks for always checkin' in and having an encouraging word after church...much appreciated! Julia-Thanks for thinking of us. I'd love to borrow some of Miss Piper's clothes. :) Rachael-It's just camera angle. :) I feel huge! I think we are due only a day apart. I'm due on April 2, and I think you are the 3rd?? I can't wait to see pics of your little guy soon! Elaine-I'm assuming it's my dear childhood friends momma. :) Thanks for reading and hopefully we'll see you over Christmas vacation.

Karen said...

What a great post, Shelby!! You look fabulous and I'm so happy that things are going well with all the kids. Hope to see you soon :)

Shirlee McCoy said...

You are glowing, Shelby!

Anna's progress is nothing short of miraculous. I remember seeing her in China and thinking she was six months or seven months old. To hear that she has gone from a very infantile state to standing and taking a few steps astounds me. God is truly working in her life.

A little girl! More dresses and hair bows, and a good friend for little Anna.

Enjoy this wonderful season of Thanksgiving.