Well, I had the same feeling this morning. I have been desiring a dishwasher for quite some time, but hubs wasn't too keen on installing one in our nearly 100 year old house. He claimed that it would take away from the "charm" of the house. In other words....he just didn't want to deal with the mess, fuss, etc. UM....HELLO.....please feel free to farm 1000+acres w/a draft horse, and then we'll talk about "charm," darlin'.
Well, after child #5 arrived I think that he realized just how much time was involved in washing all of the dishes (especially since his mother-in-law was here for a week reminding him constantly.....love my momma!). He finally gave me the green light this morning, and guess who didn't have to be told twice? I dropped A' off at school, and D', Princess L', and I high-tailed it to Sears to pick one out. Thank you hubs for finally agreeing (I mean caving) to it! I can't wait to run my first set of dishes thru it. :)
Here it is........SO EXCITED!!!!!

Yay for dishwashers!
Yay! I can't believe you've gone this long without one! Hope it gives you little more time to spend with your family:)
HA HA-farm 1000 acres with a draft horse-good one!!! SO glad you finally got that dishwasher!!
Yay! I'm so happy for you, you deserve it!
Good job Jason!
Nice, glad that you finally got one. :)
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