First, a very happy birthday to the following family members:
My amazing mother-in-law, Mom VK-March 31
Brother-in-law, Matt-April 3
My lovely sister, Amanda-April 5
My now Californianized brother-in-law, Kris-April 6
My dear friend, Karen-April 9
And, my adorable Darling D'-4 years old on April 29.
Happy Birthday to all of you!
J., jr. searching for eggs.
A' enjoying some bouncin' w/the kids on the trampoline.
Oh, how I love tulip fields (just not the traffic that comes with them).

My Easter Bunnies.
Here is the low-down on what is new in VK land......
Miss M. and Mr. J., jr. kicked off Spring Break on Good Friday. They will have this week off, too. Mommy is thoroughly enjoying the decreased pressure in driving them to and fro for a whole week! I was so hoping that they would sleep in this morning, however J., jr. doesn't believe in the concept and was up at 5:45 am for breakfast. Seriously??? Ugh.....there is always tomorrow, right?
A' enjoyed her week off from developmental preschool last week. She is really struggling with the "group environment" thing, and I'm not sure if it reminds her of her past, or if it something completely different altogether. She seems to be regrouping nicely after spending time at home. Some of her bad habits were resurfacing again. I guess I will re-evaluate everything w/school next week to see which direction to go with her. I may go back to private therapy until next year.
D' is D'. He is one busy little almost 4 year old. J', Sr. and I took him to purchase his first Lego set last week, and he was THRILLED!! He can finally work on his own creation w/out having to worry about J., jr. taking it from him. . . happy day!
We had an absolutely glorious Easter weekend. My sister, hubs, and family were here from Eye-de-hoe, and it was very fun to spend time with them. Yesterday, I got up and made the team breakfast, headed off to church, and then spent the afternoon at home with the family. J', Sr. took the kids for a walk thru the tulip fields (which happen to only be about 200 ft. from our house!) while I hid Easter eggs. The kids spent the majority of the day outside playing. We then finished off the night by coloring Easter eggs and playing the game of LIFE. Good times!
Now......regarding little Miss Princess who refuses to leave the confines of my uterus......
The pregnancy is going well. I was due on the 2nd of April and am now officially "overdue," but I'm totally ok w/that. My others were "late," too, so I expected it (but, obviously would of been pleasantly surprised w/an early one!). I am not really THAT uncomfortable, so I am resting in knowing that she will arrive when God intends for her to enter the world. I had a doctors appt. on Friday, and I was 75% effaced and dilated to 4. Honestly, I do feel like a walking time bomb and am a little fearful to go anywhere b/c J', jr. came so quickly. I found driving 45-50 minutes to church yesterday terrifying b/c I was worried I'd go into active labor, but ...... not so much.
The pregnancy is going well. I was due on the 2nd of April and am now officially "overdue," but I'm totally ok w/that. My others were "late," too, so I expected it (but, obviously would of been pleasantly surprised w/an early one!). I am not really THAT uncomfortable, so I am resting in knowing that she will arrive when God intends for her to enter the world. I had a doctors appt. on Friday, and I was 75% effaced and dilated to 4. Honestly, I do feel like a walking time bomb and am a little fearful to go anywhere b/c J', jr. came so quickly. I found driving 45-50 minutes to church yesterday terrifying b/c I was worried I'd go into active labor, but ...... not so much.
Great update, Shelby!! Looks like a fun weekend with everyone and love the tulip pictures! So glad to hear that things are going well with Miss Princess...looking forward to the phone call :) Love ya!
Shelby, you are awesome and amazing! I can not imagine how much complaining I would be doing if I were in your shoes (I can guess because I complained a lot when I was pregnant with four kids at home).
I am praying for a safe delivery soon. And praying for all that you need in your home to help transition each of your sweeties to your new little one. I am blessed to know you and your family!
So good to have an update! I've been wondering how you're doing. The kids are so precious, and I can't wait to 'meet' the newest member of your family. Your entire family is often in my thoughts and prayers.
I love the pictures, esp. the one with all the kids on the couch...J and A have matching smiles:)
Congratulations on the new baby, Shelby! I hope you're getting as much rest as is possible. What an exciting year this has been!
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