Saturday, July 10, 2010

She's quite a budding artist......

Miss A' is quite fond of playing w/different textures. She loves the way it feels to squish everything between her hands. She loves to "draw" in shaving cream, pudding, applesauce, etc. Above, you will see that she was quite fond of green fingerpaint. Apparently, she figured it had to be a "full body experience" and applied some to her face. I'm thankful for non-toxic products with this girl! :)


Shirlee McCoy said...

Love it! Love her!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

Looks like fun! I know my kids would have it all over the floor, chairs, walls, etc so we have avoided finger paint at our house so far. I might have to give in and let them try it since I remember having fun with it when I was a kid!