Look at this adorable little Dutch girl! Happy 4 months!

My one and only zoo picture.
Wow! The summer continues to fly by, and this week was no exception. It was only when I downloaded my pictures this week that I realized how much we had actually fit into one weeks time! :) Tuesday, J', Sr. graciously took the day off so that we could take A' to her 6 month neurology appt. (just follow up....nothing new....she will go again in 3 months for another one, as well as another feeding study). We then headed off to the zoo since we were only a few miles away. The kids LOVED it! Unfortunately, my camera died immediately after taking one picture. :( Wednesday, our favorite 12 year old brother-in-law came over for a play date, and we had a great afternoon with him. Thursday, Miss M' had a few girls from school over for a sleepover (yes, I am THAT crazy!), and my dear friend and her darling boys came over to play, too. Friday, after dropping the "sleepover" girls off the kids and I headed off to the mall to do a little school shopping with Auntie Amanda and Dunk. We hit the "jackpot"....loves me to do some shoppin'. Saturday, J', Sr. was in the house for a bit and said, "why don't you go run errands by yourself?" Um....hello! OK! So, instead of doing them completely alone, I took my favorite shopping buddy (Miss M.....loves to shop!) and headed to Costco and a few other places. Uncle Kris was here from California for the weekend, too so G'ma O' put on a fabulous barbecue to celebrate the occasion. Thank you, G'ma O....YUMMO! And, finally.....sweet Princess L' turned 4 months on Saturday, too. Fhew.....no wonder I am tired! :)
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