Friday, April 22, 2011

Tulip Etiquette....

In honor of the Tulip Festival, I thought I'd post this just for those wondering what is acceptable, and what is not acceptable to the "locals" during the tulip festival.....(I know they are beautiful to look at, and if you follow these simple instructions you will be happy, as well as the locals).

1.  If a sign reads "Private Property....No Trespassing" it isn't just for giggles.  It means.....please don't have a picnic on my front yard.  Or, don't think, "oh, they won't mind ME trespassing for just a minute.".....because guess what???....I DO mind!

2.  If a sign reads "No Parking".... it means just that.  It does not mean ...quick, stop, take a few quick pictures before someone sees me parking here, nor does it's ok to park between two "No Parking" signs 20 feet apart.

3.  If a sign reads "Please stay on pathway" does not mean ride your bicycle as close to my yard as possible and peer into my windows while I eat lunch because it makes me uncomfortable for you to watch me eat.

4.  It is never ok to sit and watch my children play in the yard.  It's just weird, and frankly it creeps me out.  And, please DO NOT take pictures of my children playing in the yard, or I may just call the cops on you.  I know they are incredibly cute, but they are not part of the "scenery" that you wish to capture.

5.  Our cows are hard at work, and they do not need you pestering them while doing so.  YOU present a bio hazard, so please look from afar.

6.  If my horse has a muzzle on it is not because I am mean.  It is because you may be dumb and put your finger by her mouth, and she may just bite you.

7.  It is never ok to call a dog out of her OWN yard while she is playing in her OWN yard, and then think she is suddenly a stray.  Oh, and can't take a dog across the border without proper documentation!  And, speaking of MY dog she will bark incessantly at you if you get too close to HER yard, which further annoys me (and her). YOU are pestering her in her OWN environment.

8.  My chickens are not here for your viewing pleasure.  Leave them alone!

9.  If you are at a busy intersection please refrain from stopping your car and pulling out your map to figure out where you are.  It is annoying and flagging me around you isn't always possible.  Please find a parking lot, or pull off the road (but please see #2) before parking.

10.  If a sign reads "Tulip Route", or "Local Access Only"....guess what it means? Yes, darling.......not....."I wonder what happens when I go this way??"

*This is all in good fun!  We do live in an AMAZING area.  As my brother-in-law stated today, "it doesn't get any better than this" while pointing out to a sea of yellow and red.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy Birthday....again. :)

The birthday girls.
My dear friend Auntie K' celebrated her birthday the same week as little Princess L's, and we were able to finally celebrate last week.  D' had a great time playing with his friend, C', and Miss A' and Princess L had a fantastic time playing with cutie-pie B'.  As always, yours truly and Auntie K' had all kinds of fun drinking coffee and catching up. Thank you, Auntie K for hosting the birthday/playdate at your house!


My amateur photo shot.

Pud...our cat.  She follows us around like a dog.

You want me to do what??

Baby Fu....striking a pose.

This face melts my heart.
Finally....a good picture of J', jr.

This is what D' thinks of tulip traffic. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

P. A. R. T. Y. time!

Miss M' and cousin Kyle comparing technology.
We found our cat, PUD waiting for cake in the kitchen.

I have no words for this one. :)

Aw...a beebee (aka baby).

Saturday night we celebrated L's birthday with family.  It is always fun to listen to all of the little cousins (lots of them) running around upstairs laughing and having fun.  Thank you to all who came and celebrated!

Welcome home soldier!

Uncle Beppy returned home from serving our country for over a year in Iraq and is finally home on leave.  We love that he came over on Saturday morning to visit his nieces and nephews, and Miss A' was especially excited to visit with him.  Uncle Beppy has a very soft heart for kids (especially kids with special needs), and this picture brings tears to my eyes. 

Welcome home Uncle Ben, and thank you for your service to our country!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy just being me....

Finally! fit for saddlin' up. :)  Could this girl look any happier??

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to our sweet baby girl!

Still being a good sport on her birthday....even with a fever and ear infection.

Such concentration...

Happy Birthday today to our sweet baby girl!  I can't believe that it has been a year already.  Honestly, I have to say that this was the QUICKEST year of our lives.  Princess L' has brought so much joy to our lives, and she was one of the best surprises EVER!

Unfortunately, Princess L' was suffering from a pretty nasty ear infection today, so part of her birthday was spent at the doctors office getting antibiotics. Auntie T and cousins came over for a bit to visit and wish her a happy birthday.  Then, after a series of many naps, L' woke up and had ice cream for dinner (only on your birthday, darlin'), took a nice warm bath, and decided she wanted to play again (phew....always encouraging to momma to see your baby "turn the corner" when they are sick and want to play again).  She finished the night off with some snuggling and off to bed she went.

So, a very happy birthday to our little "surprise" baby.  What a blessing you have been, sweet L, and we look forward to every moment with you!