Friday, October 17, 2008

Yay! We made it thru the week....

What a crazy week! I knew on Monday that it would be busy, but it ended up being super BUSY. The kids had stuff going all week. Between GEMS, conferences, work, school, homework, etc., I really don't know how we made it. . . . ok, it's really not that bad. The munchkins didn't have school today, and we all slept in...even Mr. J....rare treat! He is usually the first one up in the morning (around 6:30ish) b/c he wants a snack.

Mr. J.,Sr. finished up corn on Wednesday, which mommy is very happy about. We celebrated today by taking Miss M., Mr. J., Jr., Darling D., and Cousin Dunk to Build-a-Bear. The older tots always beg us to go, but we think it should be a special occasion kind of a trip, and today certainly seemed fitting. After filling up our tummies, we deliberated for quite a while before picking out the perfect bears for all. Miss M. chose a koala bear and named her "Lola." Mr. J. chose a teddy bear and named it after our cat, "Bumpy." Darling D. picked out a small little peanut of a bear and named him "Dunk." Dunk was not in the mood to be at Build-a-Bear b/c he had a little tummy ache. I tried and tried to get him to pick out a bear, but he kept throwing it on the ground, so we figured we'd try another time with Dunk.

All in all, it was a fun week. I'm hoping that next week is a little slower paced. Please keep Cousin Dunk in your prayers. He will undergo surgery on Friday to work on his cleft a little bit more. He's a tough little buttercup!

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