Saturday, January 10, 2009

Yay...another update!

This morning, we woke up to another update on sweet Miss A. What a great way to start the day! There wasn't a lot of specific, detailed info, but the wonderful missionary reported that she had a chance to give Miss A. a kiss for us this past week. I am SO jealous! She said that Miss A. is confined to a walker, or crib most of the time, and she hasn't been able to get a lot of practice walking on her own, etc. She didn't seem to be too concerned about it, though. She indicated that whenever Miss A. does get some stimulation, she responds well, so YAY!

Next week, a group of volunteers (in addition to her normal once a week therapist) will be allowed to spend more time in the orphanage. They are hoping to be able to interact with all of the babies and toddlers, and offer hugs and attention to them. She said she would make sure that Miss A' isn't passed over while they are inside, and would hopefully be able to send us more information about her soon. Of course, I can't wait!


kgetzinger32 said...

Reading your blog just gave me chills. We have such an Amazing and Loving God. You can really see His hand in Baby A. adoption.

It brings tears to my eyes thinking that God is sending her hugs and kisses through this women. AMAZING!

Catherine said...

Wow, I had some serious catching up on your blog tonight...3 posts in the 3 days I was gone! You're like the blogging Queen:) Such great news that you are able to keep getting updates on A. (oh, and GREAT post on Friday about the Q's people ask you! Way to set the record straight :)

Jeff, Allison & Ryan said...

Sounds like good news about Miss A. You're getting closer! Oh, and I can't believe the questions people have asked you? Some people really need to think before they speak and then think some more! :) That was funny that you wrote Jakob rather than Jacob on your comment- I voted for the "K" Jeff voted for "C" so I decided to let him win!
Take care!