Monday, April 13, 2009

The cable has been sent!

Just got off the phone with the National Visa Center and some paperwork has been forwarded to Guangzhou, China (not sure the technical terms at this point...I am so lost. I have no idea how someone could navigate thru our immigration system w/limited English speaking abilities. It makes me wonder if that is why so many don't bother and travel across our borders illegally!) It appears from my extensive research(harhar!) that it takes approx. 10-20 days for Guangzhou to issue the Article 5 approval, and then another few weeks to get travel dates. It finally feels like we are "rounding the bend and sprinting toward the home stretch." Praise be to God for continuing to bless our adoption plans so that we can bring A' home in His perfect timing!


Catherine said...

YES!! another step in the right direction!!!

Unknown said...

Leave it to the US to make things so complicated. Good thing our God is mighty. You are so close. Start packing!!!! Miss A. is coming home. - Kathi