Monday, May 18, 2009

TRAVEL DATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just got an email from our agency, and we have confirmed travel dates/visa appt. dates to bring Miss A. home. I'm not sure what our departure date is yet, but it appears that we will be going around June 18-22nd, and returning July 1. I'll keep you posted, but for now I'm off to do a lot of busy work!!!


Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

Yay! We're excited for you to finally get to bring Miss A home! We'll be praying for a safe trip!

julia said...

were excited for you your probably just bouncin off the wall ;)

Catherine said...

YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm shaking because of the news...seriously SO excited. Oh, I just need to give you a call....

Rachael said...

How exciting! We'll be thinking about you guys.

kgetzinger said...

I can hardly wait to see her in your arms. You are so close. It warms my heart to think about how much her life is going to change. Thanks for be willing to do a little shopping for me in GZ. - Kathi

amy said...

hooray!!!! hooray!!! so excited with you!

Anonymous said...

SO glad to hear that you got your travel dates! So relieved that you'll soon see your "A"! Hurrah for you all!!