At times, Miss A. enjoys being swaddled in a blankey. We think it is pretty cute, and it also helps control a not so nice habit that she has recently developed....smacking herself w/quite a bit of force. When she gets tired, or overwhelmed she copes by giving herself a right, or left hook shot directly to the side of her face. Her physical therapist developed some braces for her to wear on her elbows to help alleviate the problem, but they don't always cut it. J., Sr. came up with the swaddling idea, and Miss A.' is a huge fan! The other day, she was relaxing on the floor just as snug as a bug in a rug, and D' decided to join her. A' thought it was so much fun and couldn't control her giggles. I think they are the cutest little egg rolls that I have ever seen!

dusty rose bedding
2 years ago
That is the cutest photo of an egg rolls I have ever seen. ADORABLE!!
How cute are they? What a beautiful bunch of kids you've got!
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