We have a family tradition each year of spending Christmas Eve w/the VK family. Mom Vk puts on a great party with tons of food, fun, and fellowship. This year was no exception! We enjoyed spending a few hours w/most of the family (a few brothers and sisters-in-law were out of town.) It is always fun to see the VK family growing year after year w/new babies and new "in-laws." I love watching all of the little cousins (who all happen to be about the same size right now) run around and giggle together....super fun!
Before heading over to Mom and Dad Vk's house, we spent a quick 1/2 hour opening presents at our house (see below). The kids had a great time, and so did J' and I. I remember last year blubbering thru Christmas thinking about our daughter still in China. What a difference a year makes!
Today, we slept in, ate a big, yummy breakfast (like my momma used to make on Christmas morning), and then we were off to church. I LOVE the Christmas Day service. I LOVE singing the traditional Christmas songs, most of which make me tear up while singing (sorry, I'm sappy!) It truly is an amazing time of the year.
From our family to yours. . . . May you all have a very blessed Christmas!
The twins trying on their dress up costumes. . . such little princesses.
G'pa Dick reading Luke 2. It's a VK tradition on Christmas Eve. He suggested we try the Dutch bible this year, but since he and G'ma are the only ones that can understand it, he opted for the English version. :)
1 comment:
Looks like fun times were had by all! Love that Miss A had "full access" to the wrappings. If I were little, that's exactly what I'd do!!! Fun post. Thanks for sharing it with us!!
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