Yup, you read that correctly. If you know me well, you know that I like things "just so." I like my house neat and tidy. I like my kids to act "orderly" (although this doesn't happen very often.....I have two energetic, rambunctious boys!), and I have been told on more than one occasion that I run a pretty tight ship (if you know my dad, you would understand where my behavior comes from. Love my dad! I appreciate in his efficiency!) My kids teeth are brushed 2-3 times a day, and their hair is normally neatly combed. I like my laundry folded and put away and my cupboards organized. I would never leave the house w/out all the beds made, the dishes washed, and the bathroom sort of sparkly. My lawn is usually mowed 2 x's per week during peak growing season, and I try to be on top of weeding out the beds. No, I am certainly not professing any sort of "super mom" ability, so don't roll your eyes while reading this and say, "oh please!" I'm just sharing my weaknesses, or what some would consider obsessiveness. I now have dishes in the sink, blankets thrown about the house, laundry that is folded, but not put away, and please DO NOT LOOK IN MY CUPBOARDS!!! Things may just fall out at you. :) My lawn looks "shaggy," and my flowerbeds are full of weeds. My boys have gone to church w/out their hair combed down, their teeth brushed, and sporting mismatched socks.
Things have changed quite dramatically around here over the past few months. What I used to take pride in doing has gone by the wayside. I have reluctantly given up on some of my old ways, and focused on chasing Miss A' around the house. A' can normally be found pulling everything out of the drawers, throwing my "throw pillows" all over the living room floor (gasp.....drives me batty!), chucking toys in every direction, and she can't seem to get enough of the bathroom, toilet included. I even caught her going up our staircase yesterday, which was a little scary (but exciting to see at the same time!). She can light up the room w/not only her smile, but also her lungs (girl can throw some pretty embarrassing tantrums!) She now wines when she doesn't get her way, and can even arch her back into impossible positions when refusing to do something. She scratches at her brother, and pulls her sisters hair. She throws her cup across the room when she's done, and tries to upend her dinner plate to get out of eating.
Perhaps you may be thinking, "so....don't most kids do this?" Well the answer is "no!" A' didn't do any of these things when we got home. She preferred staring at the ceiling while sucking on her fingers. She preferred to be left alone, and she preferred to not have anything to do with her siblings. Noise overwhelmed her, and she would find a quiet corner to retreat to whenever she was experiencing too much stimulation. She wasn't able to cope w/outside stimuli and would become quite agitated whenever she was in a new environment. Not anymore! A' is a social butterfly!
I never thought that I would actually look forward to seeing my child throw a tantrum, or have a public meltdown, but I rejoice in seeing her personality finally shine thru. Of course, at some point we would prefer her to establish appropriate public/private behavior, but for now, we thank the Lord for continuing to heal our daughter and providing her with amazing therapists that "get her."
As always....thank you for your prayers!
dusty rose bedding
2 years ago
1 comment:
I remember well the first time my newly adopted daughter threw a tantrum. I remember, it was months later, that she actually made a BIG MESS in her room playing alone...such little things that show in a huge way her attachment. :)
Congratulations on reaching the whining, tantrum throwing, anger expressing stage! :)
(linked through CheekyQ's blog)
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