Ah, a welcome site. All of the gear to go HOME!!

Dan's first real meal in over 3 months!

While in basic training, Dan turned 21. He celebrated his graduation by enjoying a beer with his brother and dad.

Proud parents. Mom and dad w/their Marine.

Our travel group....Bri, Kris, Mom, Dad, and Ben

Some alone time. B' and Dan sharing a quiet moment in the park.

The parade deck at Recruit Depot San Diego.

Brothers in arms.....Daniel (USMC) and Benny (US Army). Way to go boys!!

Delta Company Platoon 1067

Too cute!
This past weekend, I was able to attend my brother-in-law's graduation from Marine boot camp in San Diego. What an amazing experience! Three hundred and sixty eight recruits graduated and are now serving our country in the US Marine Corp. Please never forget the sacrifices that these young men are making to protect our country, as well as the countless others have served (or will serve) in our armed forces.
And I'm loving YOUR blog updates!! Always fun to read and see what is happening in your family....what a busy bunch!! Talk to you soon!
Congratulations on graduating from bootcamp!
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