Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sew much fun......

I'm a sucker for throw pillows. I love looking at them in stores, but I refuse to purchase them because they are ridiculously expensive (for what you get!!). My first job was at a fabric store, so I know what fabric costs, and I just can't justify purchasing something that is so highly inflated. What can I husbands "dutchiness" is wearing off on me. :)

Anyhoo, I decided it was high time to give my throw pillows a "makeover" because they were getting TIRED. My kids use them all the time. The boys use them to beat (ahem, I mean swat) at each other. Miss M' and Mr. J', Sr. use them to lay in front of the fireplace. Niecey-poo uses them as a lap desk when using her laptop. A' finds great joy in chucking them onto the floor to drive mommy batty (she takes the word "throw" literally), and I prefer to use them for their intended use....decor, of course.

The family of fabric that I love finally went on sale, so guess who high-tailed it to the store? Imagine how giddy I was when I saw all of these glorious coordinating fabrics with a big ole 50% off sign atop of them?? Seriously, I let out a loud "yippee" and "woohoo" right there in the home dec aisle of JoAnn's (I feel sorry for my kids sometimes b/c I am sure that I embarrass them to no end w/such outbursts).

A few dollars later, two bags of fiberfill, a couple of yards of trim and voile.......happy ME!!! All of the old pillows have been lovingly inserted into the new pillow forms that I made, and for giggles I added a touch more fiberfill to make them perk up even more. Now that is recycling folks.

Sew (pun intended), here they are......

My old, tired pillows.....flat as pancakes.

I'm ALMOST embarrassed to put this picture up, but I wanted to show how stained and ugly this one was before. No worries.....just a chocolate milk stain from Darling D'.
Finished pillows. And, the best part is that they are reversible. :)
My four new favorites.


Karen said...

They are SEW cute, Shelby!! Hahahaha!!! Truly, I'm so impressed by your financial savvy and craftiness....well done!

Michelle - Blessed Mom of 5 said...

Cute new pillows! I wish I could sew! Good job!

Catherine said...

That's it...I NEED to learn to sew!!! I want new throw pillows for my couch SO badly but, like you, am too cheap to buy them!! Those pillows you made are so nice!!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the pillows! Didn't know you could sew....great job! Where did u get the ideas for the different types of pillows?

McJason's said...

Thanks everyone. :) Marmee...yup, I can sew thanks to my momma forcing it upon us as kids. . . jk...I actually liked doing it with her. I took some basic sewing classes in high school, too. I'm no expert, though. I stick w/basic stuff. I'm the queen of curtains, pillows, pajama pants, receiving blankets, burp rags, etc. As far as "design" goes, I just like to mull around the fabric store and mix and match colors, patterns, etc. I get inspiration from that, and then I picture them in my head. I'm not very savy w/commercial patterns. Give me a tape measure anyday, and I'd much rather come up w/something on my own. :)