So, this is the adorable little mare that we just got on Thursday. She is SO sweet and the kids can't get enough of her (which would explain why Maddy is wearing her pj's in the pictures, hair not brushed, etc. she wakes up and goes directly out to the barn.) They have been brushing her, walking her around, riding her, and doting over her like crazy, and Miss Bunny seems to thoroughly enjoy all of the attention. Our other horse, Stuart isn't as impressed. Can you say "JEALOUS"? He spent the greater part of Thursday tormenting her, but now he seems to be getting more used to her sharing his space. Poor old man......just grumpy some times.
Since she has had a little weight issue in the past (haven't we all :), her previous owners suggested that she not be on any, or very limited pasture grass....just hay. We weren't really set up for her dietary regime, but my hard-working husband(who has been farming until the wee hours lately....14-15 hour days....no rain+dried up crops=irrigation time) put up some fence posts for her in the dark last night, and now Bunny is happy and content in her new pen. Thank you to my amazing husband for getting the kids Bunny and all of your hard work last night. I'm sure hubs would of rather been sleeping. :)
1 comment:
Thank goodness for handy husbands... who go above and beyond the call of duty just to see the family so happy!:) Bunny is very cute!
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