Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just farmin'......

Yes, that is a chicken on M's shoulder.

J'man and his favorite chick. :)

Love these overalls. All of the kids have worn them.

Building a "home" for the chick.

Sweet Princess L' and A' sitting under the tree.

The weather has been AMAZING around here this summer.....sunny and very pleasant. I have thoroughly enjoyed not having to drive to town except for grocery runs, and we haven't really done a whole lot other than lay around under the big walnut tree. Here are a few pictures of the kids doing what they do best.....farmin'.


Shirlee McCoy said...

Your kids are darling. Every single one of them!

BTW, I can't believe the difference a year makes.

Catherine said...

Gotta love the "lazy" days of summer! And yes, LOVE the overalls, even Caitlin wore them (and she wore them often)..that's quality clothing:)

Jamie Lynn said...

I love this post... makes me miss farming! E' said to tell you (or J') that he likes the John Deere on the top of your blog.:)