Friday, October 8, 2010

Six months.....

Yesterday, Princess L' celebrated her half year birthday!  It's hard to believe that 6 months have already gone by.  Although I was certain that she was getting a tooth last month, she proved me wrong.....still just the same adorable gummy smile.  Her personality is really starting to blossom.  She loves to giggle while watching her brothers and sisters, loves to let me know when she isn't happy, loves to read (ahem....I mean chew) on books and anything else she can get in her mouth, and still sleeps like a dream.  She sits up so nicely now...w/no support.  She pivots herself around when lying on her tummy and can scoot backwards a little bit....not too much, though.  She can get her tummy completely off the ground for a few seconds and then back down she goes. :)  She has tried solid foods, but isn't a big fan yet.  Today, she went for her 6 month doctors appt. and weighed a very healthy 19 lbs. 2 oz.  She was in the 95th percentile for her height, weight, and head size.  What can I say....she's of big, Dutch/Scandinavian genes. :)   So....happy 1/2 birthday sweet, sweet Princess L!

1 comment:

Shirlee McCoy said...

She is just darling! That could light the world!