On Monday, while Mr. J. was working on his homework we heard a faint "buzz" in the distance. Mr. J. quickly perked up from his papers, and then shortly thereafter I heard the pitter-patter of Darling D. running down the hallway. It is a familiar sound to them, and it is a sound that they look forward to very much. It was Uncle J. on his four-wheeler, along with Cousin C. and Cousin Owie. Uncle J. and Auntie C. live across the field from us and visit often. Miss M., Mr. J. and Darling D LOVE it when they visit b/c it is sure to end in a ride on the ATV (sometimes I'm sure Uncle J. feels so used...heehee) and a lot of fun play time with cousins.
The boys "shoed up" and jetted out the door within seconds to find them. After a lot of running around in the yard, they ended up jumping on the trampoline. Auntie Teecee and Cousin M. were also over and joined in on the fun.