Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here we are ....again:)

Some of you have inquired recently about where we are at in terms of Miss A. I thought that I'd pull up a previous post to show you all...much easier than re-explaining. The very large bold print at the bottom shows the last two things major things that we are waiting for. We are about 47 days post LID. Currently, based on recent trends it has been taking anywhere between 66-130+ days to receive a LOA. There are no patterns as far as when LOA's are shipped from China. Sometimes, CCAA(center of adoptive affairs) sends them out in large groups to various agencies. Sometimes, they only send out a few LOA's to a handful of agencies. They can come monthly, weekly, bi-monthly, etc. They do try to do them in "order," but sometimes a few will be a lot later than others. That's the part that can make you crazy....especially when people ask, "when are you going to China?" I wish I knew, but truthfully I have know idea, and your guess is as good as mine:). If I had to guess, I would say April, but at this point....don't know. The only thing that we do know is that it will be in the Lord's perfect timing! So, once again here's my previous post.....(you, of course, are welcome to keep asking b/c it doesn't bug me a bit) It's nice to know that Miss A. is already loved by so many!

Pre-application-done...Agency reads thru info and tells you what countries you qualify for. You can specify what country(ies) that you are interested in, and sw(social worker) will give you more detailed info on the parameters of the programs.
Formal-application-Starts the process......"formally".....done
Homestudy-sw prepares a report on your family after she/he has met with you several times in your home. they report every detail of your life in the report...husbands upbringing, wifes upbringing, relationship w/parents, siblings, medical info on family, resources of family, etc., etc....this report goes to USCIS, so it has to be EXACTLY how immigration wants it to be....done
USCIS approval-Request for immigration approval on the prospect of adopting a child from a foreign country. This took FOREVER w/Miss A. because immigration was going thru a huge slowdown at the time. It took only 3 wks to get clearance for D', while it took nearly 5 months for Miss A....from homestudy to approval....done
Dossier-Group of specific papers that China requires that spell out every detail of your lives. We just completed ours!! It can take anywhere from 2-6 months depending on immigration turn around times.....done
Referral-One of the sweetest words you will ever hear while adopting. A referral=baby. We received our referral in May of '08, and she will forever be known on this blog as Miss A.
LOI(letter of intent)-This form is provided by China. The adoptive family fills in the blanks (ie. care plan for the child that you intend to adopt, name of the child you wish to adopt, date of birth of child, where they currently reside, etc.) We sent our LOI for Miss A back in May of '08. ...done
PA(pre-approval)-States that China accepts your LOI, and that as long as you follow thru with the normal protocol, you are approved for the child requested. We received our PA in June. ...done
DTCC(dossier to Chinese Consulate)-done
DBTGR(dossier back to Grand Rapids)-done
DTC(dossier to China)-done
LID(log-in date)-Dec. 26, 2008....Merry Christmas to us!....done!
LOA(letter of acceptance/approval)-It acknowledges that you are "officially" matched with the child that you have requested....kind of like PA, but the final copy. It is also a form that you must fill out, sign, and mail back to China. You are assuring them that you would STILL like to adopt the child you have PA for.....well, DUH!
TA(travel approval)-China acknowledges that they received your LOA and now you can come and get your child. It has been taking about a 3-6 wks to receive after LOA is mailed back to China.
Gotcha day-The day that you are united with your baby!

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