Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Field trip!

STINKER!!! Note the cookie in his hand. He nabbed it from a picnic table when I wasn't looking.
Look! Her craft matches her shirt:).
Craft time....such concentration!
Passing boats
The beach
Mrs. L' singing songs w/her class
"Mom, would you quit w/the camera already?"
Hey, is that Miss A' out there??
Up close and personal w/D'
M' posing for Mommy
M' holding onto her brother on the slippery rocks
D' imitating his sister!
Miss M' investigating a tide pool.
Oooh, she found a sea anemone!

Washing their hands before entering the tide pool as per the instruction of Mr. Park Ranger!
The tide pool area
Miss M, Darling D', and mommy:)


Rachael said...

Is that Rosario Bay?? I can't believe you've never been there! You'll have to go more often. That was our favorite place to visit when living in WA. We loved looking in the tide pools and walking along the paths. Oh, I sure miss the beauty of your area. We really need to come visit sometime. Oh and have you been to Mt Erie? It's not far from there and it's a nice lookout that you can drive up to.

McJason's said...

Yes-you are good!! I am impressed that you could name the beach:). Mt. Erie is beautiful, too. We've been hiking there a few times, but I don't know how we "missed" Rosario!

Catherine said...

Cute, cute pictures Shelby!! (and wow, it looked hot out there for January 1, 2005!! hee hee). I'll need to go check that place out too!!

julia said...

looks fun we have it on our list of places to go to this summer for our staycation much cheaper, we want to go to oregon but there are so many places we haven't been here