Monday, June 15, 2009

Field trip....part deux

My munchkins are always up for a field trip, so today I decided to explore a nearby island with them. I took one of my nephews (and D's best friend, Dunk) and two of my nieces (Bri and Syd)along. We all had a great time, especially my nieces since they live out of state and don't live near the ocean. Here are some of my favorite pictures Bri exploring the rocks
Cousins and friends
Bri enjoying her tuna fish sandwich....such a flattering picture:)
We had a picnic lunch at the park.
Hello! Can you say "tourists!" Me and my munchkins (along w/Dunk)
We found this hollowed out tree, and they all thought it was a great idea to pose next to it.
I think this picture is so sweet:)
Dunk-man posing for auntie

Beautiful views from atop our vantage point

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