Sunday, June 21, 2009

We are here!

After being up for about 27 hours straight, we arrived in Shanghai. We had a close call and almost got quarantined because of swine flu (a section of passengers on our plane were actually quarantined for 5-7 days, but we were thankfully sent on our merry way). We fell face first into our hotel bed and slept thru the night, ate a quick breakfast, and then returned to our bed exhausted from jet lag and lack of sleep. We flew to Changsha, Hunan province this afternoon and the flight went really well. We met up w/our guide (very nice lady), and she informed us that we will receive A' tomorrow afternoon. It still feels like a dream. I have asked J' several times today, "Can you believe that we are here?"


Karen said...

Yeah! Thanks for the update...I've been thinking of you all and am so glad that things are going well so far. Miss come Mommy and Daddy!!

kgetzinger said...

Oh..I can hardly stand it. I check your blog seriously 100 times a day. We are praying that things go smooth tomorrow. We can't wait to see her in your arms in just a few short hours.

julia said...

I'm glad you got there safely