Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The experts have it....

Since Miss A' has been having some eating issues since our return, our doctor requested she be evaluated by another doctor at our local Children's hospital to make sure she was free from any swallowing/muscular disorders. We were asked to pack a few of her favorite snacks (difficult to do when she won't eat anything!), and bring her down for an evaluation. Upon arrival, Miss A. seemed to enjoy her surroundings. She wasn't interested getting down to business (eating), but rather wanted to play with all of the lovely toys made available to her. After a few minutes of discussion, we propped her into the high chair to see if she'd give it a go. Normally, at home when she is placed in the high chair, her lips automatically "zip," and she checks out....done! Today, she decided to make mommy and daddy look like big boogers. She happily opened her mouth and chewed every bite of her banana/life cereal concoction. The doctor was looking at us like we were completely nuts-oh for bringing her in, as she was doing just fine on her own. We kept explaining that she is NEVER this eager to eat at home, but I think the doctor didn't believe us:). She actually ate better this morning than she has in a long time. The doctor also reported that she didn't think that Anna suffers from CP either. She questioned an infant brain injury, too because she didn't display any of the classic signs of that either. She said the same thing as 5 other docs now.....developmental delays from institutionalization and neglect. So, next week we will see yet another doctor who specializes in neurodevelopment, and hopefully he can shed some light on all of this. Miss A' continues to make incredible progress, and we are so thankful. She really is a delightful little peanut, and we are so blessed to have her.


Shirlee McCoy said...

What a funny and cute story about Miss A! I'll be praying that you get answers that will help you help Miss A thrive!

Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed at how the Lord seems to be taking all the hurdles out of her way! No "medical" eating issues! That is great! Now if you could just get her to eat when YOU want. I guess that will come with time and as she understands more and more of her new language. Praying for you all!!!

kgetzinger said...

I have so been there. That little stinker! I have been thinking a lot about you guys. We are working on booking our tickets home for Christmas. Yahoo!