Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ground Breaking (cont.)

Darling D. participating in the festivities

Breaking ground

Yesterday was quite an exciting day on the farm. After a few years in the making, Farm Power NW broke ground on a pretty amazing project. It is called a methane digester, and it basically converts the methane produced by our farm and a neighboring farm into energy that can then power about 500 homes. The digester allows the manure to be converted into a renewable, alternative energy source, which is a really neat solution for both the environment and dairy farmers. Essentially, after the digester is "done" with what it needs to do, the farmer is given back the dry matter for fertilizing the fields. The finished product is suppose to have very little odor (which the neighbors like) and the same fertilizing capabilities as the pre-processed "stuff." Amazing! Who knew that cow poop could do such a thing?
To mark this moo-mentous occasion, a ground breaking celebration was put together by the brothers who were behind its success (to read more about it, google Farm Power NW.) I would say that about 150-200 people attended. Mr. J., Sr., Uncle E., and Darling D. were able to be official diggers along with several local and state officials. Darling D. was quite proud of his shovel and continued excavating long after everyone else had finished.
Congressman Rick Larson, Daddy (aka. Mr. J., Sr.), Darling D., and Uncle E.
The Ground Breakers....some included our first husband-Mr. Gregoire, Congressman-Rick Larson, State Senator-Mary Margaret Haugen, State Rep.-Barbara Baily, County Commissioner-Don Monks, County Commissioner-Ken Dahlstead, and many others who made the digester possible.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

More pumpkin patch pics

Cousin M. decided to help herself to the corn on the
cob that was meant for the chickens....too funny!

From left to right....the twins, Darling D., Mr. J.,
Miss M. (w/Logie-Pie), and Uncle Jerm

We have juice (and pumpkins, too!)

We are back in business. We found the elusive camera charger. We decided to celebrate by taking three (yes, three) trips to the pumpkin patch this week. We were able to meet Cousin M. and Auntie Teecee on Friday for a fun afternoon, and then on Saturday, we met Auntie Gooch, Logie-Pie, Uncle Jerm, Auntie J., and the twins. We had so much fun, and got some great pictures, too! Miss M., Logie-Pie, and Jerm
The finished jack-0-lanterns.

Farwell to family...

This past week, Mr. J., Sr.'s Aunt and Uncle were visiting from Holland. Grandma O. and Papa D. had a fun party at their house to celebrate the occasion. Thursday, they took some time to come and visit at our house, and as you can see, Mr. J. was too busy munching on the treats they brought to smile for the camera. Yummy-Dutch treats!
It was really great to be able to spend time with them. Thank you for taking time to come and visit us, Aunt and Uncle!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A view from my front window.....

A few months ago, my Auntie requested that I take a few pictures for her b/c she wanted to paint a "dairy scene." My Auntie is a very talented artist, and she has won so many awards for her artwork. She wanted a little "farm" inspiration, and of course I was happy to oblige. So, I donned my finest pair of barn boots in hopes of "capturing" the essence of whatever she was looking for. As I sat in the driveway snapping away, I was greeted by a few employees who waved and chuckled as they passed by. I guess I was so caught up in my "creativity" that I didn't realize that I was outside in my bright pink half-length bath robe, sporting a pair of steel grey barn boots-beautiful! I'm sure I was a sight for sore eyes. Perhaps I should of popped a picture of myself for some true "farm inspiration....a day in the life of a dairy farmers wife's life." It's a wonder my husband still thinks I'm ok looking after all of these years...heehee. I often say that it's AMAZING that I can get out of the house before 11:00 everyday, and this particular day was no exception. So.....Auntie, I hope you enjoyed the photos that I sent, and I can't wait to see the finished project.

Anyhow, I think that I often take for grated that at any given time, I can take a look out my front window and see this..... To God be the glory!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Looking back

I figured that while my camera is temporarily out of commission due to Darling D's hide and seek game with the charger (ok...Darling D. wins the game. I think I'm going to have to break down and buy a new one) that I would post a picture of Miss M. and Mr. J. from a few years ago that I found on the computer. I can't believe how they have grown! They look so tiny! Who would have known that a few years later they'd be joined by a brother and sister from China???

Friday, October 17, 2008

Yay! We made it thru the week....

What a crazy week! I knew on Monday that it would be busy, but it ended up being super BUSY. The kids had stuff going all week. Between GEMS, conferences, work, school, homework, etc., I really don't know how we made it. . . . ok, it's really not that bad. The munchkins didn't have school today, and we all slept in...even Mr. J....rare treat! He is usually the first one up in the morning (around 6:30ish) b/c he wants a snack.

Mr. J.,Sr. finished up corn on Wednesday, which mommy is very happy about. We celebrated today by taking Miss M., Mr. J., Jr., Darling D., and Cousin Dunk to Build-a-Bear. The older tots always beg us to go, but we think it should be a special occasion kind of a trip, and today certainly seemed fitting. After filling up our tummies, we deliberated for quite a while before picking out the perfect bears for all. Miss M. chose a koala bear and named her "Lola." Mr. J. chose a teddy bear and named it after our cat, "Bumpy." Darling D. picked out a small little peanut of a bear and named him "Dunk." Dunk was not in the mood to be at Build-a-Bear b/c he had a little tummy ache. I tried and tried to get him to pick out a bear, but he kept throwing it on the ground, so we figured we'd try another time with Dunk.

All in all, it was a fun week. I'm hoping that next week is a little slower paced. Please keep Cousin Dunk in your prayers. He will undergo surgery on Friday to work on his cleft a little bit more. He's a tough little buttercup!

Monday, October 13, 2008

We made it home.

We had a great time visiting our family in Idaho, but we are very happy to be home. The kids did great traveling. I was expecting the worst in the car on the way back, but the kids did terrific!

Another congrats to Cousin Beenanna. On Saturday, the lady Badgers finished up as the District Champs. Beenanna led the team with four out of the five goals. She is AWESOME! I couldn't believe how well she played. She reminds me so much of her momma when she was her age. She looks exactly like her and plays soccer just like her, too.

I would love to post some pictures of our trip, but I didn't bring my camera. I misplaced my charger for the battery and didn't have time to look for it before we left. I'm hoping that it turns up soon. I'm sure Darling D. has put it in a "safe place" for momma, but where that would be is a mystery to me. Alas, such is life with a two year old......

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to the funny farm....

It is official.... I've learned that you can take the kids from the farm, but you can't take the farm out of the kids. Technically, we are in the "burbs" of Idaho, but 8 out of the nine grandkids have turned Papa and grandma's house into the funny farm. There are no cows. There are no horses. There are no chicken, but there ARE just a lot of kids, two weenie dogs, and a cat, a grandma (papa is MIA....he's looking for a big, juicy elk in the woods of Northern Eye-dee-ho), and three mommies. It has been total and complete chaos, and we are looking forward to getting out of the house today.

Yesterday, we got to see Cousin Beenanna and Cousin Bunje play soccer for their high school teams. They did awesome! Both teams won and Cousin Beenanna will play again today. A big CONGRATS to Cousin Bee for making the All-League team. We're SO proud of you!!!!

Tomorrow we will be heading back home from the trip. Miss M. is sad to leave. Mr. J. can't wait to get back to the "dirt farm," and Darling D. is just content to be along for the ride.....I love it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hi-ho, hi-ho, we're off to Eye-dee-ho!

Tomorrow, the kids and I, as well as Auntie A., Cousin Dunk-Dunk, and Cousin Little Vern (yes, he is the mini version of Big Vern....see previous post) will head to see my mom and dad. It will be a very LONG drive with 5 kids in the car-around 6-7 hours, but we are looking forward to spending time with Papa and Grandma. Daddy will have to stay home and continue chopping corn, but we know that he will miss us.

The kids are going crazy with excitement about going. They have been asking daily, "How many more days until we go to Grandma and Papa's house?" They love to spend time with them and savor each day b/c they don't get to see them very often. Grandma always has lots of fun things planned, and they get an extra bonus, too. My other sister, Auntie D. and her family lives only a few hours away, and they are planning on coming over, too. So, in other will be complete chaos in Grandpa and Grandma's house with all the grandkids and girls there, but I don't think they'd change it for the world!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yippee! Miss A. has duds!

First, I think it may be appropriate to clue you all in on a few people, so here goes.....

Mrs. G.-She has been a great friend of mine since the third grade. She has always been a supportive, loving, and loyal person (Oh gracious, she sounds kind of like a Golden Retriever...heehee.) But seriously, I love her!

Miss S.-Mr. and Mrs. G.'s adorable 9 year old daughter who is very close in age to our Miss M....sweet girl!

Mr. K.-Mr. and Mrs. G.'s handsome 6 year old boy who shares not only a close b-day to Mr. J., but also a huge love of dirt and tractors.

Miss B.-Mr. and Mrs. G.'s cutie-pie peanut from China. She is 2 years old, and is quite a little charmer! The G. family was united w/Miss B. in China about 1 week before we were united w/Darling D.

Ok, back to the story....

On Tuesday, The G. family came up for a visit(minus Mr. G. who was working on his golf game) and brought up two huge bags of clothes for Miss A. that were "gently" used by Miss B. Seriously, they all look new! The kids had a great time catching up and running around on the farm. Mrs. G. had a few intense moments in the bathroom, but after a phone conversation with Mr. J., Sr., we were able to free her from the throngs of disaster. Oh, boy....once again, let me explain. Mrs. G. got locked into the bathroom and could not get the door open. I had to call Mr. J., Sr., and he "walked" us thru releasing the door. All is now well, thanks to one crafty McGuiver of a teacher!

I would venture to say that Mrs. G. may have a "shopping habit," but I am happy to benefit from such! So, a huge THANK YOU to the G-family for all the goodies. We have organized them, and they are all hung in the closet awaiting to be put on our little munchkin soon.....