Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving (part 2)

Uncle J.
The pies going into the oven

Uncle K. and Auntie C.


This year, since my parents don't live nearby and Mr. J., Sr.'s parents were out of town, we decided to forgo the hours of toiling that go along with preparing a feast and instead went out to dinner. We met Uncle J. and Auntie C., cousin C., cousin Owie, Uncle E. and Auntie Teecee, D-ha, and Uncle D at a local buffet style restaurant. We figured it would be the best option for our hungry little munchkins b/c they wouldn't have to wait too long, they could eat whatever they wanted, and pick their own desserts. We had a great time celebrating all that we are thankful for with family. In the evening, the same crew listed above, as well as Auntie A. and Dunk, and Auntie C. and Uncle K. joined us for crafts, snacks, cookie decorating and visiting, of course. It was a very fun day filled with spending time with those we love.

Mr. J. and Miss M. helped me bake pumpkin pies. Here, they proudly display the finished products.

Mr. J. and Miss M. measuring all of the ingredients.

Mr. J. and Miss M. pressing in their pie crusts. Darling D. was busy running around the house, and didn't want to take time to stop and smile for the camera.

My little boy is growing up...

After several days of "wiggling," Mr. J. managed to loose his first tooth. He was very nervous about it coming out, but once happened, he was very happy! He wrote the cutest letter for the toothfairy to let her know his age, his name, and how much money that he thought he should get for his efforts. He carefully stuffed it into an envelope and placed it under his pillow. He was so happy to get a few dollars to spend at his favorite store...The Dollar that's a Dutchman!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moving right along....

Ah-ha, finally things are moving along with little Miss A again. Friday morning, we received our immigration clearance form via scanned e-mail. I am so thankful that it came that way because we still haven't received a "hard copy" yet...go figure! We were able to take the copy, along with the rest of our paperwork to Olympia the very same day for the state to seal all of the documents. We kept Miss M. and Mr. J. out of school because we thought it would be an educational experience, but ended up driving around aimlessly looking for the right building (no-we're not complete's not in the capital building:0). By the time we had what we needed, we headed home in order to get it back in time to be mailed. We called our SW, and she graciously offered to meet us. So....hopefully sometime this week, or next the paperwork will make itself to the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco. Then, back to our agency and on to CHINA!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Dunkie, auntie's little monkey....

My darling sister, Auntie A. has just figured out how to forward pictures to me (welcome to the 21st century, Auntie A:). She sent me this one the other day of Dunk, my favorite little three year old Chinese nephew. I have to be very specific when labeling my nieces and nephews as "favorites" because there are so many of them, but I know that I'm safe on this one. He is my only Chinese nephew, and a cute one at that:0). Dunk is such a happy little guy and always takes time to pose for the camera. It is really funny because if the boy sees a camera, whether you planned on it or not, he's GONNA be in the picture. This was obviously intentional, and Auntie S. loved every second of our snuggle time. . . .

Thursday, November 20, 2008


My darling sister, Auntie A (Dunk's momma) just e-mailed me this picture a few minutes ago. I always get sappy when I see pictures of my mom, dad, and oldest sister b/c they do not live nearby. A few years ago, my parents moved about 6 hours away from us, which has been difficult for me (I'll admit it...I'm a total momma's girl.) This picture was taken a couple of months ago when Auntie A. and I went to watch my niece compete in Jr. Miss. We don't normally "gussy up" like this (especially my dad!), but I was told that my normal attire of trackpants and a sweatshirt wasn't appropriate for the evening. What??? They live in the tooley bushes of hoe-dunk-ville Idaho. Oh well! Such is life....
From L to R...Auntie A, Auntie D (my oldest sister!), my daddy, Me, and my momma.

Give me an "A"

Give me an "A"....give me a "p".....give me another "p"......give me an "r"......give me an "o".....give me an "v"....give me an "e"....give me a "d"....what's that spell??? APPROVED!!

Jason talked to our immigration officer this morning, and she said that she was going to approve our case today and get our approval form in the mail. When we get it, we can head off to Olympia for the state to seal/certify the documents, and then we are on our way. It is still going to be a few months before we can get sweet baby A, but this is a HUGE step in the entire process.

Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Wed. already???

I think that the older I get, the faster time goes by. It seems like only yesterday that we were being blessed with the births of all three (2 physical and 1 mental birth;0) of our munchkins. I have one child that will be entering double digits in a few months, one that is embarking on his first experience with the tooth fairy (all four front teeth are extremely loose-may need to ask Santa for his two-oops! I mean 4 front teeth), one that I long to hold in my arms, and one that has shown more unconditional love than I ever could imagine. I can't think of what life would be like without any of them. They tire me at times, but the rewards far outweigh the sweat and tears. No words are sweeter than to hear an unprovoked, "I love you, mommy."

Another gift that we have been blessed with is a large extended family. I am so thankful that my peanuts have all sorts of cousins to play with. This week, baby D-ha's mommy and daddy are taking a few days away, and we took turns with Auntie C and Uncle J. and Papa D. and Grandma O. watching her. I have to admit that I was a bit nervous to have another toddler underfoot, but baby D-ha has been hilarious and so much fun!! It makes me happy that she has been so comfy here and doesn't seem to be upset about being away from home even though I know she misses her mommy and daddy. Mr. J. wanted to add to the fun tonight and asked if Cousin C. could come over for a sleepover, too. Ahhh....why not....what's one more, right???
Baby D-ha and Darling D chasing each other
Peek-a-boo! Where did baby D-ha go??? This was actually quite hilarious b/c baby D-ha kept saying, "where'd I go?" I think she was having just as much fun entertaining us as we were watching her.

Not sure who took this picture, but I found it on my camera and thought I'd share either Mr. J. and Miss M.'s creative genius.

Dunk and D-ha taking a minute to pose for Auntie S.

D-ha and Darling D. chasing each other.....again. Chase is a favorite game of there's. They seem to enjoy running around and laughing at each other.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Ok, so I may have spoken too soon! Our immigration officer just called, and she has our file on her desk. . . . finally! She said that she would hopefully be able to look at it in the next day, or two and let us know if we are good to go from an "immigration standpoint." From there, the rest of our paperwork will be off to China (kind of...there are a few more steps involved, but way to complicated to explain), and we will be one step closer to bringing home sweet baby A. I'm getting all teary-eyed thinking about it. I admit it...I'm a huge moosh-ball!

On another note...sorry if my last post sounded grumpy. I know that it isn't our immigration officers fault that they are so backlogged, and she is doing the best that she can.

A big THANK YOU to our SW for re-mailing our homestudy revisions again. We SO appreciate you, and all of our friends at your office:) You are all amazing, and you know who you are;0)

Thank you for your prayers!

While we are waiting....

Since we are STILL (aaak.....very frustrated!) waiting for immigration to do whatever it is that they do, I thought I'd post another picture of our precious baby girl. It helps me to keep looking at her picture as it motivates me in knowing that all of this paperwork headache is for a reason.

Just to update you all on the latest from the government....As of last week, I was told that they never received our initial revised homestudy. After a valent attempt to get someone to actually look for it (forbid the thought that they may actually have to get up out of their chairs,) our SW sent another copy on Friday. I felt very sorry for our sw b/c I KNOW that she mailed it, and it is just a pain that she had to do it again. It was received in their offices again yesterday...verified w/usps, so let's pray that someone finds it this time.....

Praying for patience,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mr. Squishy...

Yesterday, Mr. J. was outside playing in his dirt farm and noticed that Uncle E. was over doing some work. Mr. J. loves all of his Uncles, especially the ones that ride four wheelers and work with cows:0) He ran over to say "hi," and Uncle E. gave him this hat. Mr. J. ran back to the house and told me what a great Uncle he had, and that he was so lucky to have a new hat. He proudly held onto the hat the rest of the evening. He even slept with it next to him b/c he was afraid that someone might snatch it while he wasn't looking. Thank you Uncle E. for the hat. You made your nephews day!
We are so blessed to have such an amazing family. Miss M., Mr. J., Darling D., and Miss A. have so many aunties and uncles that love them and some pretty amazing grandparents, too!
Mr. J. Don't you just want to squish his cheeks?
Mr. J., his best kitty-Plain Dane/Jane, and his beloved hat

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A room for Miss A.

Anyway, onto Miss A.'s bedroom....
A few weeks ago, my sister called and said that she had a customer that asked if she knew anyone who was in need of a crib. She called to check in with me, and of course I accepted. I am a sucker for free stuff! I was expecting it to be more than gently used b/c it was free, but was shocked when I showed up and saw it. It was in beautiful condition with hardly any wear and tear marks.
I had already outfitted a bed for Miss A., painted the walls, hung chair railing, and made curtains, but the crib inspired me to sew some more, and sew I did! With the help of one savy decorator (aka. Miss M.), we sewed to our hearts content. Miss M. is very opinionated when it comes to all things Miss A., and she has very specific likes and dislikes with color, texture, design, etc. I basically followed her around the fabric store while she pointed out what fabrics to use. Mommy doesn't like to brag (ok...yes I do!) but I think she may have a calling in the interior design field. The "baby" wing. Miss A. on the left, and Darling D. on the right.
Miss A.'s bed made with love by Miss M. and mommy (Mr. J., Darling D. and daddy supervised.) All that is missing is Miss A.

Auntie C. surprised us and made these adorable pictures for Miss A.'s room. They fit in perfectly with our ladybug theme.

Miss A.'s bed again. I don't have her whole room in the picture yet b/c I still have to move some things out that are not Miss A. related (ie. a desk, a file cabinet, etc.)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mommy-aka Superwoman!

Today, Miss M. and Mr. J. didn't have school and begged me to do something fun with them. I have been wanting to take them to the movies for a long time, but it isn't exactly an easy task with Darling D. in tote (may I remind you that he is 2?) But, for some reason I felt like Superwoman today and decided to try the "lets see what happens" plan. The whole way to the theater, I was secretly planning out in my mind what I would do if I had to suddenly leave b/c of an unforseen event...again, may I remind you that Darling D is 2?

Much to my surprise, Darling D. loved it! He sat quietly watching and followed along with the big kids. He was laughing on cue just as his big sis and big brother were. I was waiting for a potty break, a snack request, or a two year old meltdown, but it never happened. We all left the movie theater with big smiles on our faces. The kids were smiling because they loved the movie, and mommy was smiling because we made it-Yippee!

Watch out Food Network! There is another star in town....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Daddy...the big softy.

The other day, Daddy (aka Mr. J., Sr.) brought home a "present" for the kids. He said that he had a little visitor in his shop that would not leave him alone and was "whining" at him all day long.....for all of you mommies out there, does that sound vaguely familiar???? Just kidding....we wouldn't change it, would we?
Apparently, this adorable little kitty was abandoned by it's mommy, and Mr. J., Sr. couldn't bare the thought of it being alone. The kids are thrilled (mommy isn't), and we have named it Bootsie. She is really cute and really friendly, so I guess I'm kind of warming up to the idea.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

What to wear, what to wear????

After a whole lot of activities here and there, we ended our week puzzled and bewildered with what we were going to wear to the mall to celebrate the Reformation (and Halloween, too.) Normally, it wouldn't be such a big deal, but one very picky daughter of mine just couldn't find a costume in mommy's wardrobe to wear. All dressed up and ready to go. Darling D. in his Mongolian suit, Miss M. wearing a graduation gown, and mommy's graduation sash, tassels, and hat, and Mr. J. wearing his Chinese Dragon outfit.

So, this was not a perfect fit, as you can see by Miss M.'s body language....not happy. I love the expression on Mr. J.'s face. What a twirp!

A lesson from my mom:
As a child, I longed for a girly, ruffly, pink princess costume that all of my friends bragged about, but was always given one of my dad's flannel shirts (you know the type....the one that he hunted, chopped wood, fished, etc. in), a fresh face of "freckles" complements of my mother's eye-liner pencil, a pair of red logger-type suspenders, a pair of my mom's jeans so I had ample room to tuck the pillow into, and if I was lucky I would get to wear the one "high quality" (heehee) brown, short, curly haired wig that my mom had lying around. Year after year, I would ask my mom what I was suppose to be, and year after year she always said, "A hobo." At the time, I had no idea what a hobo was. I remember going out door to door trick-or-treating and seeing all of the princesses, pumpkins, and scarecrows parading thru the neighborhood, but do you know what??? I had just as much fun watching my mom rummage thru her closet to find us something to wear. I would venture to say that my mom spent way more time and effort "uniforming" us for a night of fun as any other mother. She always took such care to make sure our faces were freckled just right, and she always sat back and admired her work with a big smile. Now that I have little "pumpkins" of my own, I realize that the perfect costume doesn't need to be fancy. We had a great time searching the closets, and I think we did a great job! SO, to you mommy-dearest...thank you for the life lesson. xoxoxo

Baby steps to China....

If you have been following our "journey to Miss A" we are waiting on one stinky piece of paper before we can get the majority of our paperwork sent to China. Today, after about 120+ days, immigration has finally looked at our homestudy/application. Yippee! They did request some revisions, but it sounds like they are easy fixes. Our social worker (whom we love!) just needs to make a few changes, and then we can turn the page on this chapter of the book....finally.

I think I'm going to have some major "mental" stretch marks with this "pregnancy," but can't wait to hold our sweet baby girl in my arms. Mommy and daddy are coming soon, buttercup!